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Q: What were five achievements and inventions by the Chinese?
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How did the Chinese inventions helped life?

The Chinese inventions have helped in various ways in life. Some of the technologies we enjoy are as a result of the Chinese inventions. Chinese inventions are applicable in most areas of our lives.

What are two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another?

There are many Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another. Two Chinese inventions that we have all used at one time or another includes paper and the compass.

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You scroll down the achievements list past the achievements and down as far as you can and you will see the Chinese zombies.

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Ancient China inventions

What are Chinese major inventions?

Some major Chinese inventions include:PaperPrintingGunpowderCompassCurrencyBlast FurnaceModern CalendarCast IronCrossbowFootball (soccer)FireworksFlamethrowerIron PlowKiteLand MineMultistage RocketNegative NumbersPorcelainSeismometerStirrupSuspension BridgeTeaTofuToilet Paper

What are 5 Chinese inventions?

Some notable Chinese inventions include papermaking, printing, gunpowder, the compass, and silk production. These inventions have had a significant impact on global history and technological advancement.

How did the achievements of the Egyptians affect later civilization?

the Egyptians's achievements affected later civilization by the civilization good with weapons, foods, inventions, creations and discoveries

Name five early Chinese inventions Explain each?

Actually, it is 4 greatest invention and they are : Gun powder, compass, paper, and press. However, the press were originally invented from Korea

How did learning advance in ancient Egypt?

the Egyptians's achievements affected later civilization by the civilization good with weapons, foods, inventions, creations and discoveries