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Q: What was the first steam powered locomotive that George Stephenson created?
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What was the name of the first steam locomotive that was developed by George Stephenson?

The first steam-powered locomotive that was developed by George Stephenson, was known as the Rocket.

What was the name of the first steam-powered locomotives that was developed by George Stephenson?

The first steam-powered locomotive that was developed by George Stephenson, was known as the Rocket.

When was the Steam powered railroad locomotive invented?

All i know is that George Stephenson invented it.

What was the the name of the first steam powered locomotive by George Stephenson?

Rocket *Skinny mini*

Who made the steam powered locamotive?

George Stephenson is considered to be the inventor of the first steam locomotive engine for railways.

In which year steam locomotive discovered?

The first steam powered locomotive to run on a railroad was invented (not discovered) by George Stephenson. It was completed and tested on July 25 1814.

Inventor of the locomotive?

George Stephenson

Designer of a steam-powered locomotive named Rocket and is known as the Father of British Steam Railways?

Stephenson George Stephenson to be precise his son Robert also built locomotives

Who invented the steam-powered locomotive?

The steam road Locomotive was invented by Richard Trevithick, but the first steam RAILWAY Locomotive was invented by George Stephenson. A Scottish inventor called William Murdoch, made the first Locomotive Prototype. Hope this helps!

Who invented the first locomotive?

George Stephenson invented the first locomotive.

Who has invented steam locomotive?

The first steam Locomotive was invented by George Stephenson in 1812.

Was George Stephenson's rocket launch in 1821 successful?

George Stephenson did not do a rocket launch in 1821. Rocket was the name of his locomotive.