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Q: What value recount return if no data base is in use?
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Program for derived class in cpp?

#include<iostream> class base { int m_data; public: base(const int data):m_data(data){} base(const base& cpy):m_data(cpy.m_data){} base& operator=(const int rhs){m_data=rhs;return(*this);} base& operator=(const base& rhs){m_data=rhs.m_data;return(*this);} virtual ~base(){} }; class derived { public: derived(const int data):base(data){} derived(const derived& cpy):base(cpy){} derived& operator=(const int rhs){return(base::operator=(rhs));} derived& operator=(const derived& rhs){return(base::operator=(rhs));} virtual ~derived(){} }; int main() { derived d=42; }

What part of a function definition specifies the data type of the value that the function returns?

The function header. The return value is written before the name of the function. This return type must match the type of the value returned in a return statement.

What data type does the main function return in c?

The main function must return the int data type. A program that terminates normally should return the value zero to indicate no error. Not all execution environments make use of the return value (Windows in particular), however a command script or batch file can examine the ERRORLEVEL if required.

In searching using Boolean operations will give you?

Searching with Boolean operations will only tell you if a value exists or does not exist in a data sequence. Ideally, when searching, you want to return some value that either refers to the value you are looking for or otherwise indicates that the value does not exist. Typically, we define a data sequence with begin and end iterators, where the end iterator is "one past the end" of the sequence, and return an iterator to the value, using the end iterator to denote the value was not found. When searching for multiple occurrences of a value, we typically return a collection of iterators, with an empty collection indicating no values were found.

Why use void in main of java?

No. void is not a data type. It is mandatory for all java methods to return something and if it is not going to return anything, we have to mark the method with a "void" return type to let the JVM know that it must not expect anything from the method.

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Is relationship a data base object?

Depends on the value.

Program for derived class in cpp?

#include<iostream> class base { int m_data; public: base(const int data):m_data(data){} base(const base& cpy):m_data(cpy.m_data){} base& operator=(const int rhs){m_data=rhs;return(*this);} base& operator=(const base& rhs){m_data=rhs.m_data;return(*this);} virtual ~base(){} }; class derived { public: derived(const int data):base(data){} derived(const derived& cpy):base(cpy){} derived& operator=(const int rhs){return(base::operator=(rhs));} derived& operator=(const derived& rhs){return(base::operator=(rhs));} virtual ~derived(){} }; int main() { derived d=42; }

What part of a function definition specifies the data type of the value that the function returns?

The function header. The return value is written before the name of the function. This return type must match the type of the value returned in a return statement.

Do declarations describe the data that will be used in the function?

Prototype of function describes return value as well as which data can be passed to the function.

What use of void data type in c plus plus?

doesn't return the value.

What data type does the main function return in c?

The main function must return the int data type. A program that terminates normally should return the value zero to indicate no error. Not all execution environments make use of the return value (Windows in particular), however a command script or batch file can examine the ERRORLEVEL if required.

Client server modelling in C?

/** * Return the byte of DHCP option data. * * @param client DHCP client. * @param ptr pointer obtained by dhcp_get_option_ptr(). * * @return byte value at the given address. */ static u8_t dhcp_get_option_byte(u8_t *ptr) { LWIP_DEBUGF(DHCP_DEBUG, ("option byte value=%"U16_F"\n", (u16_t)(*ptr))); return *ptr; } #if 0 /** * Return the 16-bit value of DHCP option data. * * @param client DHCP client. * @param ptr pointer obtained by dhcp_get_option_ptr(). * * @return byte value at the given address. */ static u16_t dhcp_get_option_short(u8_t *ptr) { u16_t value; value = *ptr++ << 8; value |= *ptr; LWIP_DEBUGF(DHCP_DEBUG, ("option short value=%"U16_F"\n", value)); return value; } #endif /** * Return the 32-bit value of DHCP option data. * * @param client DHCP client. * @param ptr pointer obtained by dhcp_get_option_ptr(). * * @return byte value at the given address. */ static u32_t dhcp_get_option_long(u8_t *ptr) { u32_t value; value = (u32_t)(*ptr++) << 24; value |= (u32_t)(*ptr++) << 16; value |= (u32_t)(*ptr++) << 8; value |= (u32_t)(*ptr++); LWIP_DEBUGF(DHCP_DEBUG, ("option long value=%"U32_F"\n", value)); return value; } #endif

Why need to turn un-normalization data into 1NF?

Un-normalization of data will return the actual values of outcome, which is real value. Because we scale the data in normalization process.

What is the return type of main?

The normal exit of program is represented by zero return value. If the code has errors, fault etc., it will be terminated by non-zero value. In C++ language, the main() function can be left without return value. By default, it will return zero. To learn more about data science please visit-

How useful is the vlookup in Excel computation?

Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.Vlookup is a complex but useful function in Excel. It allows you to search through tables for a value and return a corresponding value. It is one of a set of functions that enables you to search data and find values. See the related question below.

What is the difference between data base and data base management system?

data base means a collection of data,which may be inter related. data base management system is a collection of programs for managing the data base.

In searching using Boolean operations will give you?

Searching with Boolean operations will only tell you if a value exists or does not exist in a data sequence. Ideally, when searching, you want to return some value that either refers to the value you are looking for or otherwise indicates that the value does not exist. Typically, we define a data sequence with begin and end iterators, where the end iterator is "one past the end" of the sequence, and return an iterator to the value, using the end iterator to denote the value was not found. When searching for multiple occurrences of a value, we typically return a collection of iterators, with an empty collection indicating no values were found.