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A byte (usually 8 bits). An 8-bit byte allows up to 256 unique characters to be represented, more than enough to accommodate all the letters, digits and punctuation marks in the Latin alphabet.

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6y ago

A byte.

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Q: What usually represents one character of data?
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What is a byte in a computer?

a byte is a 8 bit mathematical representation of a unit of data, aka a word or character.

What usually represents one character data?

A byte (usually 8 bits). An 8-bit byte allows up to 256 unique characters to be represented, more than enough to accommodate all the letters, digits and punctuation marks in the Latin alphabet.

Which memory unit is equal to one character?

One byte (8 bits) represents a character .

What does you do represent?

One represents oneself's country,family name and how one's character is.

One character of data is stored as one?


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A sector.

How is memory allocated in c program for a character data type?

One byte for every character.

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A symbol usually a letter that represents one or more numbers?

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How does a tally chart help you to display data?

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