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Q: What type of storage can store similar type of data?
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what is cloud storage?

cloud storage is a type of digital storage that stores data in servers via the internet.

What does data storage mean?

Data storage is the term for saving data by a computer or device. Different types of data storage work differently in a computing environment. Data storage is used to store data such as documented files, databases and for personal uses such as music and photos. Different types of data are stored in different places, depending on the type of data it is.

Offsite data refers to what type of data?

Offsite data is sending data to a critical main location. Data is normally transported using storage media such as magnetic tips and optical storage. Many companies choose to store data with third parties.

What type of drives can be used to store data?

Portable drives (flash drive/jump drive) can also serve as storage devices.

From which type of store can a computer get its data most quickly?

Technically, the computer gets its data from the RAM faster than any data storage technology available. HOWEVER if you are talking about storage data, than it would have to be the ridiculously expensive FDD or Flash Disk Drive, with data transfers of over 100MB's a second for the more outrageously priced models. These are hampered by the fact that the largest FDD you can get is 128GB at this point in time.

Which data type can store any data?

There is no such data type. However, when we use user-defined data types of our own type, then that type of data can be stored in a variable. So as a term, you may say that user-defined data type can store any data. As the data-type used in any variable will be depending upon us.

What is the data or instructions that you type into the computer?


What does Accurate data Storage mean?

This is one of the most important things while making a program. Accurate storage means having the right amount of space for the program. If the data type is too mall and there is lots of memory needed to store the values then the values get chopped which obviously means that the accuracy of the data and program gets lost.This is one of the most important things while making a program. Accurate storage means having the right amount of space for the program. If the data type is too mall and there is lots of memory needed to store the values then the values get chopped which obviously means that the accuracy of the data and program gets lost.

What is file oriented approach and database oriented approach?

The file is store the data as document type, we don't have give particular data-type of data which will be store in it. But in database system there are specified structure (like in table format) of data store. First we have to make format with particulate data-type for the data, which will store in it. other The file has no record system, while database system store data with record in row, it is easy to maintain.

Which data type will you use to store names of 100 students?

char data type

What is data base?

A data base is where it allows you to Store information about something and it also includes fields.

Which type of database excels in the storage of structured data?

obect oriented