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Q: What type of connection that has two or more components connected so there is only one path for current flow?
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What is the difference of a series connection and a parallel connection?

In a series connection, components are connected end to end, creating one path for current flow. In a parallel connection, components are connected side by side, creating multiple paths for current flow. As a result, the voltage is the same across components in a series connection, while the current is the same across components in a parallel connection.

How many paths are there for current flow in series or parallel?

In a series circuit, there is only one path for current flow, as the components are connected end-to-end. In a parallel circuit, there are multiple paths for current flow, as the components are connected side-by-side, allowing current to travel through each branch independently.

How are all the components in a series circuit connected?

In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end in a single loop, creating a single pathway for the current to flow. This means that the current passing through one component is the same that passes through all other components in the circuit. If one component fails, it can disrupt the flow of current through the entire circuit.

What circuit has different paths for current to flow?

A parallel circuit has different paths for current to flow. In a parallel circuit, the components are connected side by side, allowing current to flow through multiple paths simultaneously. This results in different currents flowing through each path based on the resistance of the components.

How does electric current flow in the b connection?

Electric current flows in the b connection due to the movement of electrons from the negative terminal to the positive terminal of the power source. This flow of electrons creates a closed loop circuit, allowing the current to pass through the b connection and power the device or component it is connected to.

Which of these is used to measure current in series circuits?

An ammeter is used to measure current in series circuits. It is connected in series with the circuit components to measure the flow of electric current through them.

What is a circuit which will allow flowing current?

As long as an electrical power source is connected to itself with electrical conductors of some kind, then a current will flow through it. How much current will depend on the components used in the circuit.

Can electric circuit b completed without earth?

Yes, an electric circuit can be completed without connecting it to earth. The circuit needs a complete path for the current to flow back to the source, so as long as the circuit is properly connected and the electrons can flow through the components, it will work without needing an earth connection.

Can current flow in an incomplete circuit?

Maybe there's no voltage-source(AC or DC) because voltage is the one that motivates electrons to flow. It could be the connection of components in your circuit.

What is the name of a circuit in which the current splits at the junctions?

A parallel circuit is one in which the current splits at the junctions. In a parallel circuit, different components are connected across the same voltage source, allowing for multiple pathways for current to flow.

What is the flow of electrons around a circuit?

In a circuit, electrons flow from the negative terminal of the power source (e.g., battery) through the conductive wires and components, such as resistors and light bulbs, back to the positive terminal. This flow creates an electric current that powers the devices connected in the circuit.

Why does a circuit work?

A circuit works because it allows electrical current to flow continuously, completing a loop from the power source through the components and back. This flow of current enables the components in the circuit to perform their intended functions, such as lighting up a bulb or powering a device. The components in the circuit, like resistors, capacitors, and transistors, interact in specific ways to control the flow of electricity and perform desired tasks.