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The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) converts the byte code to machine language.

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Q: What translates a Java program into Bytecode?
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What do you get when you compile a java program?

The java interpreter or JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is not able to execute the java source code for a program. The java source code first needs to be compiled into bytecode that can be processed by JVM. Producing bytecode make the program platform independent as each platform has its own JVM. It is also possible to directly write bytecode, bypassing the need to compile, but that would be tedious job and also not good for security purpose as the compiler checks for various errors in a program.

What do you call a Program that runs Java byte code instruction?

Get the JDK & Bluej from net and the rest will be done by them. Java byte codes are stored as *.class ; where "*" represents the class name, in your hard disk. You can download BlueJ as well as JDK from the related link.

Is it possible to run java program without JVM?

No. Java programs run in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - without it your computer won't know how to handle Java bytecode.

How many bytes does a Java VM have?

A JVM, or Java Virtual Machine, creates the environment in which programs that run using Java bytecode are processed. It does not itself possess bytes or bytecode.

What is an Program compilation?

That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.

Related questions

What do you get when you compile a java program?

The java interpreter or JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is not able to execute the java source code for a program. The java source code first needs to be compiled into bytecode that can be processed by JVM. Producing bytecode make the program platform independent as each platform has its own JVM. It is also possible to directly write bytecode, bypassing the need to compile, but that would be tedious job and also not good for security purpose as the compiler checks for various errors in a program.

What do you call a Program that runs Java byte code instruction?

Get the JDK & Bluej from net and the rest will be done by them. Java byte codes are stored as *.class ; where "*" represents the class name, in your hard disk. You can download BlueJ as well as JDK from the related link.

Why java called platform indeependent?

Platform independent language means once compiled you can execute the program on any platform (OS). Java is platform independent. Because the Java compiler converts the source code to bytecode, which is Intermidiate Language. Bytecode can be executed on any platform (OS) using JVM( Java Virtual Machine).

Is it possible to run java program without JVM?

No. Java programs run in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) - without it your computer won't know how to handle Java bytecode.

How many bytes does a Java VM have?

A JVM, or Java Virtual Machine, creates the environment in which programs that run using Java bytecode are processed. It does not itself possess bytes or bytecode.

What is an Program compilation?

That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.That means to convert the original program - the source code, written by a programmer - into machine language, or into an intermediate form, for example, Java bytecode in the case of Java.

Difference between a java complier and the Java JIT?

A java compiler takes Java source code and turns it into Java bytecode, which can then be run by the java virtual machine.Using JIT means that the java code will be compiled and executed at the time that you run the program, which will slow down the program because it has to compile the code at the same time that it runs.

Why java interpreted?

Java is both compiled and interpreted. At first, the Java source code (in .java files) is compiled into the so-called Bytecode (.class files). The Bytecode is a pre-compiled, platform independent version of your program. The .class files can be used on any operating system. When the Java application is started, the Bytecode is interpreted by the Java Virtual Mashine. Because the Bytecode is pre-compiled, Java does not have the disadvantages of classical interpreted languages, like BASIC.

Where does bytecode come from java?

It is created by the Java compiler, based on the source code (the .java file).

Why c program runs faster then java program?

The main reason for this is that C code compiles down to native machine code. Java bytecode needs to be run in the JVM, which may or may not compile it down to native code.

Is jvm a compiler?

Basically they do the same: converting from one level of language into another. A compiler converts high level language (programming language like java) into machine-language. That is language a computer understands. An interpreter converts high level language into an intermediate level. When a program is exectuted, that intermediate level is reconverted to machine language.

Java is both compiled and interpreted language meaning?

Instead of compiling to machine language, the Java compiler compiles for a "ficticious processor". A program called the Java Virtual Machine then interprets this on every machine. Note that Java is NOT an interpreted language. It is solely a compiled language. Java source code is always run through a compiler (typically 'javac') to be turned into bytecode. This is identical behavior as any other compiled language. The confusion is that Java bytecode is usually run on a Java Virtual Machine, which itself may both act as an interpreter and a compiler for the native instruction set the JVM runs on. However, the Java language itself is NOT dependent on how this bytecode is run - in fact, it is possible (and has been done) to build a hardware machine that runs Java bytecode directly.