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VCRs, Video Games, Walkmans

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Q: What things were invented during the 70s?
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When was slurpes invented?

it was invented in the 70s when my mom was in her 20s

When were air beds invented?

early 70s

Who invented the turbo broiler?

Imarflex invented the turbo broiler in the Philippines in the early 70s.

Was the hustle invented in the 1950s?

No, the Hustle is a name for used for various disco moves that were invented in the 70s.

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What were some things invented during 1912-2012?

the iphone, calculator, and ipod

Do some one want to battle me with in the 70s Pokemon mine are in the 70s so if you want to battle me bring it?

Pokemon wasn't even invented until 1996, so it's impossible to have a Pokemon battle in the 70s. Try a disco dance-off instead.

When where lowriders invented?

They were invented by a Mexican in the mid 70s, they became more popular in the mid 80s into the late 90s when hip hop became popular.

What things were invented between 1750-1900?

Lots of things were invented during the industrial revolution but here are a few: Steam engines Canals Factories Hot air balloons Vaccines Telephone

How were things invented?

things were invented by God.

Who were the first medalheads?

isaac burnett and James nussbaum were the first medalheads ever...... they invented medal in the late 70s on a tour to not contridict me because i was there....... isaac burnett and James nussbaum were the first medalheads ever...... they invented medal in the late 70s on a tour to not contridict me because i was there.......

South Vietnam president during 1960s and 70s?

Nguyen Van Thieu