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The technology that went into the first helicopters was nothing special. It just took special skills to design the controls for the main rotor blades.

I'm familiar with the invention of the first Bell helicopter that was begun in 1943. Arthur Young designed a model helicopter that he could fly by remote control. Since radio was new, his model had a long electrical cable that was attached to a "trapeze" under the model that transmitted the inputs.

Arthur Young lead a team of engineers to design a full-scale flying prototype. One of the problems they had in the construction was the transmission. The transmission required a gear reduction of 1:47, as I recall. The engineers couldn't do it. So they disassembled Young's model and drew up the pieces to full scale to make the planetary gear transmission that drove the main rotor.

After that, all it took was a lot of testing and adjusting the controls to make make the rotor stable but flyable. They added a stabilizer bar that helped keep the rotor tracking smoothly---which was still in the design of the Bell Model 47.

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