Properly- and judiciously-applied technology. Wind and geothermal are also pretty cool.
can technology help people adapt environment
Technology has become one of the basic needs for human beings. It has uncountable advantages and disadvantages are a few. I don't think that it can be considered a threat or risk for society or humanity.
Technology can be used for many things. Technology can help a weak person, such as if they were to wear a magnetic bracelet. This is scientifically proven. :)
Science really depend on technology .it can help improve other theory and by doing that it can help create new one.
Technology improvement is directly proportional to the enhancement of science since improvements in technology help in scientific research.
Modern technology destroyed the soul of humanity to a large extent. Technology has broken some of the barriers that society had put so as to secure the soul of humanity by providing to much liberty.
The spread of technology from the Industrial Revolution.
It speaks of the dangers of mixing technology with humanity - see CyberPunk .
yeah man it does totAlly =P
Attributed to Albert Einstein
People trying to improve the situation of humanity. Or maybe just their own. Either way, that's technology.
Habitat fr Humanity provides services to people with disabilities.
The motto of M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology is 'Service to Humanity is Service to God'.
Technology is the application of scientific discovery to consumer products and services. Technology is what drives humanity into a better future. It is crucial to everything in our modern lives.
Incubators help premature babies to thrive.