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Q: What simple machine was invented in 300 bc?
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The very first calculating "machine" was human hands and fingers. The abacus was next in about 300 BC.

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What invention was invented in 300 bc

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The first machine was abacus invented by the Chinese between 2400 BC and 300 BC. Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable computer as early as 1837.the need to solve larger problems faster and more reliably than human computers could.

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I think in ancient China It Was defiantly in Ancient china 3rd Century BC

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it is a wedge? i think. bc it is slightly bigger on one end, right? :)

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it was invented in 1888 by a guy named Thomas Adams. It was also used in 215 BC for giving Holly Water to Greeks.

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Jamestown did not exist during 300 BC.

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Hebrew scholars made use of simple monoalphabetic substitution ciphers around 500 to 600 BC.

What two things were invented between 3500 BC and 3000 BC?

Wheel and Axel were invented 3500 BC and 3000 BC.