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Copper / brass /some people opt for gavlanized

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Q: What shall be the Pipe support materials inside water tank?
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Why are some materials absorbing water?

Materials that are porous, that is, that have pores or open areas within the material where gases or liquids can enter, will absorb and hold water as well as other materials. A good example is a sponge, which absorbs water through pores or openings and holds it inside.

What is the relationship of dissolved materials inside and outside the cell in a isotonic hypertonic and hypotonic solutions?

In an isotonic solution, the concentration of dissolved materials inside and outside the cell is the same, resulting in no net movement of water. In a hypertonic solution, the concentration of dissolved materials outside the cell is higher than inside, causing water to leave the cell and leading to cell shrinkage. In a hypotonic solution, the concentration of dissolved materials outside the cell is lower than inside, causing water to enter the cell and potentially leading to cell swelling or bursting.

Does the cell wall support and protect the cell?

Yes it does.It prevents materials from getting into your cells like DNA and water.

What are five that plants need to survive on land?

For plants to survive on land, they must have ways to obtain water and other materials from their surroundings, retain water, transport materials throughout the plant, support their bodies, and reproduce successfully. :D

What material is inside the balloon?

Balloons are typically inflated with air, helium, or water. They are made of latex, rubber, or plastic materials.

What five adaptation that plants need to survive on land?

For plants to survive on land, they must have ways to obtain water and other materials from their surroundings, retain water, transport materials throughout the plant, support their bodies, and reproduce successfully. :D

Why some materials sinks in water while others do not?

Materials sink in water if their density is greater than the density of water. This means that their mass is more concentrated in a given volume compared to water. Objects that float have a density less than water, which allows them to displace enough water to support their weight and remain buoyant.

What materials dissolve in ocean water and how are these materials removed?

== == materials get into water by animals waste

What stores water and dissolved materials in plant cells?

The vacuole is responsible for storing water and dissolved materials in plant cells. It helps to maintain turgor pressure to keep the cell rigid and provide support for the plant. The vacuole also plays a role in storing waste products and maintaining the pH balance within the cell.

What are the four components of soil?

The four main components of soil are organic materials, air, water, and inorganic materials.

What do plants need to successfully on land?

They must have structures that allow them to obtain water or other nutrients from their surroundings, retain water, transport materials in their bodies, support their bodies, reproduce and leaves for photosynthesis

Will the people be able to float on water if the strength of earth's gravity is doubled and Why?

No, the increased gravity would make it harder for people to float on water. The extra force pulling them down would make it more difficult for them to displace enough water to stay afloat without some external support.