

Best Answer

That is a DIODE, which can be of any of these types:

  • P-N junction (shown above)
  • point contact
  • schottky barrier (i.e. metal-semiconductor junction)
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Q: What semiconductor allows current to flow in one direction?
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How current are made?

You cause the current to flow through an electronic device that allows current to flow in one directionbut not in the other direction. Such a device is called a "diode" or a "rectifier".

What are the difference between semiconductors and semimetals?

A conductor is just that - something that conducts electric current. A semiconductor, however, is a material that can be and is used because by doing some things to it, we can cause its resistance to vary dramatically over a fairly wide range of values. We can cause it to conduct with little resistance, and we can cause it to resist current flow completely and prevent current from flowing. The material is a semiconductor, and it "sort of" conducts - either well or poorly or something in between, depending on how the device is made and on what we tell it to do. Conductor will pass electrons by the laws of electrical conductivity. Semiconductor will pass electrons basically only one way.Conductors, like copper, are materials that simply conduct electricity from point A, such as the negative terminal of a battery, to point B.Semiconductors are materials that conduct electricity from point A to point B, but have high high resistance. Many conductors can be modified to have unique properties when electricity is applied, such as in transistors. Put simply, semiconductors have an electrical conductivity somewhere between that of conductors (gold, copper) and insulators (wood, rubber).A conductor allows an electric current to flow through it equally well in either direction. The amount of current which flows depends only on the amount of resistance of the conductor and on the amount of voltage applied across it. The direction of flow can always be considered as being from the positive to the negative pole of the source of the voltage applied, so the direction of flow through a conductor is always determined by which end of the conductor is connected to the positive pole of the source. A semiconductor allows an electric current to flow very strongly in one direction (this is known as the forward current) and very weakly in the opposite direction (which is known as the reverse current). The amounts of current which flow in each direction depend partly on the amount of the voltage applied but mainly on the forward resistance (which is relatively low) and the reverse resistance (which is always very high). So, unlike a conductor, the flow of current through a semiconductor is not the same amount of current whichever way the voltage is applied. The direction in which a semiconductor allows the forward current to flow depends on whether it is a p-type semiconductor or an n-type semiconductor. How are semiconductors made? Certain elements, such as Germanium or Silicon, are not naturally semiconductors but can be made into semiconductors by melting them and adding very small amounts of other chemicals. This process is called doping. Whether a p-type semiconductor or an n-type semiconductor is produced depends on the type of doping chemical used.

What is a discrete semiconductor?

A discrete semiconductor is an individual circuit that performs a single function affecting the flow of electrical current.

Why diode don't allow the current coming in opposite direction?

Diode is known as a rectifier because it only allows the current to flow in one direction. Diode is only effective when the input is AC.

Difference between a semiconductor and insulator?

The difference among Metal,Semiconductor and Insulator is written bellow-1.Metal:Substances through which electricity can pass easily is called Metal.1.Semiconductor:Substance which conductivity lies between Metal and Insulator are called Semiconductor.1.Insulator:Substances through which electricity can not pass easily are called Insulator.

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What component allows current flow in only one direction?

In a word - yes.add There are valves in the heart and in the veins, and in addition there are tiny structures precapillary sphincters, which control the flow from the arteriole (little artery) to the capillaries which then become venules (tiny veins).

What is a semiconductor device that allows electricity to flow in only one direction?

A "diode" will allow current to pass thru it in only one direction, provided you don't overload it.

What is breakdown in diodes?

a break down diode is a diode that allows current to flow freely in one direction but not in the other the difference between it and a standard diode is that it is a semiconductor in the direction that current doesn't flow freely in current only flows in this side when the voltage reaches a set point and the resistance then breaks-down and allows the current to flow it is useful where the circuit might require low voltage protection

What is breakdown diode?

a break down diode is a diode that allows current to flow freely in one direction but not in the other the difference between it and a standard diode is that it is a semiconductor in the direction that current doesn't flow freely in current only flows in this side when the voltage reaches a set point and the resistance then breaks-down and allows the current to flow it is useful where the circuit might require low voltage protection

What is forward bias current in semiconductor?

I think its related to junction of two dissimilar semiconductor (or semiconductor and metal) and not only a semiconductor. well when two opposite nature semiconductor (hetero or homo) are joined to form a junctions they allow the flow of current in one direction while blocks it in other direction. The applied bias V which will cause the current flow is called forward bias and the current flowing through the junction forward bias current.

What is Diode work?

A diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in one direction while blocking it in the opposite direction. It functions by utilizing the principle of semiconductor physics, specifically the formation of a depletion region at the junction of different types of semiconductor material. This enables diodes to be used in various applications such as rectification, voltage regulation, and signal demodulation.

How does a semiconductor diode work?

A semiconductor diode allows current to flow in only one direction due to its asymmetric semiconductor junction. When a forward bias voltage is applied across the diode, it allows current to flow freely. However, when a reverse bias voltage is applied, it blocks current flow due to the depletion layer widening and creating a high resistance barrier.

Can a resistance be used in the circuit instead of diode?

No. A resister is not a replacement component for a diode. A resister is passive and allows current to flow through in in both directions. A diode is a single semiconductor junction that only allow current to flow in one direction.

What is light activated SCR?

A light-driven semiconductor device that prevents current flow in either direction until it receives a signal.

How current are made?

You cause the current to flow through an electronic device that allows current to flow in one directionbut not in the other direction. Such a device is called a "diode" or a "rectifier".

What does LED?

A diode is a semiconductor device which allows current to flow in only one direction, thru its P-type and N-type junction. When current flows thru an LED, electrons strike material which releases photons, causing visible light to be emitted. See link.

What does LED do?

A diode is a semiconductor device which allows current to flow in only one direction, thru its P-type and N-type junction. When current flows thru an LED, electrons strike material which releases photons, causing visible light to be emitted. See link.