

What programs use javascript?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Seriously a lot of people. It's mostly used to make webpages, so webdesigners use it a lot.

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Q: What programs use javascript?
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Does java script coding mean using it for Java programs only Can you use it for Unity or Game-maker?

Java and JavaScript are different, and quite unrelated, languages. JavaScript is not "for Java"; basically you use JavaScript to create special effects on Web pages (HTML pages).

Which operating system supports the JavaScript programs to execute?

As long as there is support for JavaScript in browsers, JavaScript can be called on any O/S, any platform and any machine

Do you need java compiler to execute HTML programs written in javascript?

No, Java and JavaScript are nothing to do with each other, JavaScript is a form of EMCAScript, not Java. Every modern browser comes with a JavaScript engine that is used to understand JavaScript. so there is no need for it, no.

How do you embed basic programs on to websites?

To embed basic programs on to web sites we have to use text editors like notepad,wordpad etc. and have to use web programming languages like html, javascript,css etc.

Can you use javascript in Mozilla?

Yes. In fact, you can use JavaScript in any web browser.

Why does't run javascript programs in explrer6.0?

You may not have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Also Internet Explorer is an inferior browser, Firefox, Opera, etc. are all better suited for things such as JavaScript and CSS.

How do you use javascript in aspnet?

Ajax, I believe uses JavaScript + ASP.

Where can I go to get JavaScript Certification in Wisconsin?

You can search for programs that offer JavaScript certification either online or at a campus near you at Just enter your city and state!!

How do you get the popup javascript box?

Use confirm or alert in javascript code to get a popup

Is JavaScript or Dreamweaver better?

Not comparable. JavaScript is a programming language. Dreamweaver is an application (which you can use to create pages with javascript, html, etc.)

How do you check length of password using javascript?

Use the length property of string in javascript.

How does document.close work?

The command is javascript JavaScript is interpreted by the browser browsers use JavaScript engines to execute the commands each browser differs