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Binary would be an obvious answer.

PC's read simple 0's and 1's, and Apple computer are PCs, so I don't see why they wouldn't fall into this category.

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Q: What programming languages do apple devs use?
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What are the companies which use pure object oriented programming languages?

Microsoft, Apple and so on.

What are computer programming languages using in now days?

Apple and apple developers use Objective-C, and most other people usually use python, C, C++, or Java

What are the classification of programming languages?

Programming languages, like human languages, are defined through the use of syntactic and semantic rules, to determine structure and meaning respectively. Thousands of different programming languages have been created, and new languages are created every year.

What are programming languages use in Management information system?

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What are the types of language?

Languages can be categorized into spoken, written, signed, and programming languages. Spoken languages are oral communication systems, written languages use characters and symbols to represent words, signed languages use gestures and signs, and programming languages are used to write instructions for computers.

What is the main use of third generation languages?

Programming computers. That is what they were designed for.

What programming languages use a C switch statement?

There are two programming languages which use a C switch statement. The two languages are C and C++, hence the name C switch statement. There may be more, but those are the most obvious ones

What is the indentation in programming Why is it important?

In computer programming languages, indentation formats program source code to improve readability. Programming languages make use of indentation to define program structure . Programmers use indentation to understand the structure of their programs to human readers.

What are assembly languages and how are they used in computer programming?

Assembly languages are low-level programming languages that use mnemonic codes to represent machine instructions. They are used in computer programming to directly communicate with the hardware of a computer, allowing programmers to write code that is more efficient and specific to the system's architecture.

What are the potential use cases for the metavariable in programming languages?

Metavariables in programming languages can be used for tasks such as creating generic algorithms, defining patterns for matching and substitution, and simplifying code by representing placeholders for values or expressions.

Is structured programming an OOP principle?

No. Structured programming came before object-oriented programming. Most OOP languages make use of structured programming, but only because they were already using structured principals, not because they now use OOP principals.

Why do you need another programming language?

We have many programming languages because no one language is perfect. Some are very good at some very specific things, but are horrible for others. When we are presented with a problem, we have a large set of programming languages in which to find an appropriate language to use.