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Q: What person who invented things to help others?
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Names of people who invented things to help others?

Elizabeth Blackwell did things for us to help us today she was a wonderful person and for a school project i did things about her and got a 100. She doesn't get much recognition but she is a wonderful lady. This is to you Elizabeth Blackwell. You are the best.

Who is invented?

Who is a pronoun that stands in place for a person. A person cannot be invented, so "Who" cannot be invented. A person can be inspired, but not invented. One person can help create another person's career, but not invented.

What is a good person for a research paper?

I would suggest someone who did many things to help others like Abraham Lincoln or Harriet Tubman

Who invented the word vitamin?

It was Casimir Funk- with the help of others but they aren't known.

Why was askjeeves invented to help answer unsolved questions?

Because the person wanted to help people.

Why we need to invented India ink?

Because can help we write the things

How are you helping the commuity by going to school?

The main person you help is yourself, of course! But you also help your community and mankind by becoming a better person, improving yourself, learning new things to help others, and being able to get a better job and contribute to society instead of being on welfare.

What was Marie curie's theory?

I think it was probably to become a better person so she invented useful things like the radioactivity and the x-rays so she probably just wanted to be a better person and liked to help people

What is a person willing to be reborn to help others?

In Buddhist traditions, this person is called a baddhisatva.

Who is the person who help others and work without pay?


What things are there to do?

You can protect the enviornment, do community service, sell things with permission, research, or help others!

Which scientific tool was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria?

The microscope was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria. This tool uses lenses to magnify objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.