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In this modern period, many things are changed. Similarly, there are also many changes in bulding materials. In my opinion, timber wood makes more flexible and used in stylish furniture. The use of glass is also increased in making of new building because people likes glass building.

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Q: What new building materials are used to build homes these days?
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What was of materials for a skyscraper?

The materials used to build skyscrapers are strong materials that can withstand a great tension and compression. Early days the skyscrapers are usually made by iron frame but now it uses lighter and stronger metal, steels.

How do you build an earthquake resistant paper building out of 12 note cards 1 piece of paper and 6 paper clips Like what design and shape?

nerds these days. seriously why would you ask this question

Why do we use air conditioning in homes?

We use air conditioning to "condition the air" in our homes to make the dwellings more comfortable. There are a number of geoclimatic areas where the weather brings in long stretchs of hot days (and nights). Temperatures in excess of 90 °F (or even 100 °F)are possible for many days in a row, and air conditioning provides a way to take the edge off this heat inside our homes. We can use refrigeration technology to maintain our homes at something a shade under 80 °F so we can be more comfortable.

How long did it take to build the tower of babel?

The approximate time of such building may be drawn from the following information: Peleg lived from 2269 to 2030 B.C.E. His name meant "Division," for "in his days the earth [that is, "earth's population"] was divided"; Jehovah "scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth." A text of Sharkalisharri, king of Agade (Accad) in patriarchal times, mentions his restoring a temple-tower at Babylon, implying that such a structure existed prior to his reign.

How can you make a catapult out of a wire clothes hanger?

In order to build a catapult you need a way to store energy. A spring, a bungee cord ect. In the medieval days they used tightly wound rope. I cannot see a way to store energy with a coat hanger.

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How long did it take to build the Empire State Building?

It took 410 days, which is one year and 45 days to build the empire state building. That was over 200,000 hours of labor, during the course of roughly 14 months, to build what was the tallest building at that time.

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Roman concrete, bricks, stone and timber were used to build in the Roman days.

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1 year and 45 days to buildthat's your answer

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Local building materials and traditional building materials differ in the sense that whereas local building materials are those that naturally occur on a building site or its vicinity[1], traditional building materials are those local building materials that a culture/ society has adopted to use in its architecture, with norms and values attached to the different elements as is in the case of African traditional architecture.It's therefore true to add that a material can be local, but not traditional.[1] Anderson, Arnsby, Johansson& Astrand, A solution to rural housing problems, Lund Sweden, 1986

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Go to Gannon's shop (on days it is open) and select build and then select build barn. You will need the required materials and money.

What was of materials for a skyscraper?

The materials used to build skyscrapers are strong materials that can withstand a great tension and compression. Early days the skyscrapers are usually made by iron frame but now it uses lighter and stronger metal, steels.

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Suprisingly, they used mud, bricks and stuff they could find in the old days.