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IPv6 is not a separate internet. It is a separate type of address.

Machines can have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously. Many web servers already do this, and nearly all of the Internet's backbone routers have both types of address. Theoretically, if you are using IPv4 or IPv6, your data will take the same path, across the same hardware, to its destination.

However, you may not be able to get an IPv6 address from your Internet Service Provider, perhaps since they are not yet IPv6-ready (often the case with smaller ISPs). In this case, you can setup a 6-to-4 tunnel which connects your IPv6 network inside your home to the IPv4 network of your ISP. Presumably, that ISP will also have a 4-to-6 tunnel allowing your packets to make their way to the IPv6 destination.

That being said, if you know the IPv4 address of the same server, you can just use that without the need for IPv6. Only in the rare cases where servers only have an IPv6 address do you need to ensure that your packets come from an IPv6 address, then travel to the destination somehow (directly across an IPv6 network, or using tunnels as described above).

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