

What material improved transistors?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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Q: What material improved transistors?
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Silicon is the substance in sand that is used in making transistors. Silicon is used as the raw material for producing the silicon wafers, which are then processed to create the transistors.

How is a silicon transitor made?

Modern silicon transistors are by layering a semi conductor material on top of a conductor material on top of a semi conductor material. Various materials have been tried to improve the effeciency of the transistor. Most transistors these days come as part of an intergrated circuit or IC

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transistor are materials they have to be extracted and purified this relies on chemistry and material science

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What are power transistors?

Power transistors are transistors that are used in high-power amplifiers and power supplies.

What is the use of substrate in Field Effect Transistor?

The use of substrate in Field Effect Transistors is for it to serve as insulating material between the gate and the source.

Was Germanium used in transistors?

Yes, germanium was the only material used in transistors from when they were invented in 1947 until 1954 when the first successful silicon transistor was made. However the use of germanium still dominated transistors until the silicon mesa transistor was made commercially available by Fairchild Semiconductor in 1958. Development of the silicon planar transistor by Fairchild Semiconductor the next year ultimately made the integrated circuit possible. While almost all transistors today are silicon, there are still uses for germanium transistors so a few types are still made.

Are transistors semiconductors?

Transistors are made out of semiconductors, yes.

Why Silicon transistor are preferred to germanium transistors?

Silicon transistors are preferred to germanium transistors because they exhibit higher thermal stability and are less prone to temperature variations. Silicon transistors also have a higher maximum operating temperature, improved frequency response, and are more reliable in terms of long-term performance. Additionally, silicon is more abundant and easier to work with in manufacturing processes compared to germanium.