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Skycrapers are usually made up of steel frames with fireproof combination of cast iron columns and beams.

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Q: What kinds of materials are skyscrapers build out of?
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What was of materials for a skyscraper?

The materials used to build skyscrapers are strong materials that can withstand a great tension and compression. Early days the skyscrapers are usually made by iron frame but now it uses lighter and stronger metal, steels.

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How much money does an architect who builds skyscrapers earn a year?

Architects don't "build" skyscrapers, they design them. Give credit where credit is due, IronWorkers build skyscrapers.

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There are many types of materials engineers use to build walls. Three possible construction materials are wood, brick, and concrete.

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Steel made it possible to build Skyscrapers. Answer "construction of skyscrapers"

Which blind insects build skyscrapers?

Termites are able to build towers as high as a giraffe.

What materials do Iranians use to build their houses?

Iranians build their houses out a wide variety of materials. The most common material used is cement blocks and concrete. However, there are also skyscrapers made of metal (just like in the West) and houses built out of wood in the mountain and hill country.

What two materials are bridges and skyscrapers made with?

Concrete and steel.

Why were architects able to build skyscrapers?

Supportive steel frames were developed .

Why did early skyscrapers in America adopt many of the same stylistic forms as traditional buildings despite the use of new construction methods and materials?

Early skyscrapers in America adopted many of the same stylistic forms as traditional buildings despite the use of new construction methods of materials because they did not trust the new materials and methods. All news skyscrapers must now use the new methods and materials.

What three inventions help build skyscrapers?

The electric elevator, water pressure, and steel.

Which sentence is written using past perfect tense The architect will build two skyscrapers before he builds the museum. The architect had built two skyscrapers before he built the museum. The archite?

The architect had built two skyscrapers before he built the museum.