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Q: What kind of inventions do people need?
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What kind of services are offered by North Street labs?

North Street Labs offer services like providing people with the latest up to date technology and advanced inventions information. They provide information about new inventions and the benefits of it.

What kind of inventions does Greece have today?

they have the the theator im thinking

What kind of television inventions were invented in the 1960s?

Color TV

What inventions did people use before the cell phone was invented?

inventions? light bulb

What inventions did Shakespeare use in his life and when and where did he use them?

When he was writing things, he made use of the inventions the quill pen, ink and paper at his writing desk. No doubt when sitting down to a meal he made use of such inventions as pottery, cast metal, brewed beverages and so on. Ever since the times of cavemen, people have employed inventions of some kind or other constantly in their daily lives.

What inventions Steve Wozniak did?

he invented a special kind of cofee maker

Do sports need inventions?

Not at all track is a sport

Need a quote about inventions?

Not really, but thanks for offering.

What NASA inventions do people use?


What inventions need to be done to save the planet earth?


What kind of inventions were made in 2000?

the pace maker the heart transplant dolly the sheep