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! VBScript is a Microsoft created program. It stands for Visual Basic Scripting

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What does the term VBScript refer to?

The Active Scripting language, VBScript, is short for Visual Basic Scripting. It is a scripting language that was developed by Microsoft. VBScript can be found in several Microsoft software, like the web browser Internet Explorer, where it serves a function similar to JavaScript.

Why use VBscript in ASP?

The choice of VBscript in ASP versus other options is mostly personal perferance. Using VBscript allows you access to thousands of functions and operators to help you code easier, and more effectivley.A personal preference towards VBscript when coding in ASP may be because it follows the same style of programming. For example, a Javascript operator might look like this:&&Whereas an asp operator will be written as:AndVBscript follows this same methodology, and make for an easier "mesh" with the natural coding of ASP.

How do you find out how many digits are in integer using vbscript?

num=32767 MsgBox(len(num))

How run vb script?

Hi! VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is very simple to learn easy! Open Notepad and type a coding language. Try this one: x=msgbox("Hello there this is VBScript!",0,"VBScript") Take this and save it as WHATeveryYOUwant.vbs (you must have .vbs at the end!) The x symbolizes a value. It's unneeded now. The msgbox means what box it uses. The first " " is the message. the 0 is the message type. 0 says ok. (try changing it!) The second " " is the title at the top bar. Wanna make you own? take out the words PUTTEXTHERE with what you want. also change # with a random number 0-140 i think. Good luck: x=msgbox("PUTTEXTHERE",#,"PUTTEXTHERE") You can make multiple lines. That's basic VBScript!

Is visual basic a scripted language?

VBSCRIPT FILES: (.vbs) No, VBScript is an 'interpreted' language; where the code is both read/interpreted and translated into machine code line by line; this is a rather 'slow' method of doing things, though, when compared with using a 'compiled' language, instead. A compiled language, on the other hand; runs code much faster; because it translates the whole entire program into machine code *before* running it. Compiled languages are used to create stand alone executable (.exe) files with. VBScript does NOT create stand alone executable (.exe) files; instead, VBScript creates (.vbs) files; which rely on having an interpreter program to work. ==== CONCLUSION As you can see from my short descriptions above...which are by no means fully exhaustive; VBScript, is a rich, powerful, and, extremely diverse form of programming technology; which in my own humble opinion, is very well worth learning; as it gives you lots of control covering many different areas; and, especially so, if you are interested in working with Microsoft Windows based technologies.

Related questions

When was VBScript created?

VBScript was created in 1996.

How does a VBScript work?

VBScript, like Javascript is an interactive scripting language that works within HTML. For more information on how to use VBScript, visit the W3 Schools website by clicking on the related link.

What has the author Matt Childs written?

Matt Childs has written: 'VBScript pocket reference' -- subject(s): VBScript (Computer program language)

What you need to study to create your website?

I would suggest you start with HTML and then move on to JavaScript VBScript would come after that. EX: <html><body><!--HTML HERE--> <!--JAVASCRIPT STARTS BELOW--> <script language="JavaScript"> //JAVASCRIPT HERE </script> <!--JAVASCRIPT ENDS HERE--> <!--VBSCRIPT STARTS BELOW--> <script language="VBScript"> 'VBSCRIPT HERE </script> </body></html>

What is the default scripting language for ASPNET?


Which script interact with HTML?

Javascript or VBscript.

What does the term VBScript refer to?

The Active Scripting language, VBScript, is short for Visual Basic Scripting. It is a scripting language that was developed by Microsoft. VBScript can be found in several Microsoft software, like the web browser Internet Explorer, where it serves a function similar to JavaScript.

What are the difference between vb and vbscript?

VB, or Visual Basic, is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. Visual Basic can be used to program many things, although it does have limits. VB also requires a compiler. VBScript on the other hand, does not. VBScript was also introduced by Microsoft, and is a simplified version of Visual Basic. While VBScript has more limitations than VB, Windows already comes with all you need to make a simple VBScript program. To make a VBScript program, you simply need to open a text editor, such as Notepad, type in the code and save it with a file extension of .vbs. If you are willing to download/buy a compiler, Visual Basic will be much more useful. However, if you only want to create simple programs, stick with VBScript. There is still a lot you can do with it.

Home page containing pull down menu box for the links using vbscript?

Home page containing pull down menu box for the links using VBScript.

Can you program something in Javascript that starts a VBScript?

Yes. Just create a VBScript function/sub in the same document, and since it would be a member of the window object, Javascript would also be able to call it, like so: <script language='vbscript'> sub test() alert("test") end sub </script> <script language='javascript'> test(); </script>

Why use VBscript in ASP?

The choice of VBscript in ASP versus other options is mostly personal perferance. Using VBscript allows you access to thousands of functions and operators to help you code easier, and more effectivley.A personal preference towards VBscript when coding in ASP may be because it follows the same style of programming. For example, a Javascript operator might look like this:&&Whereas an asp operator will be written as:AndVBscript follows this same methodology, and make for an easier "mesh" with the natural coding of ASP.

What is designed to replace VBScript for scripting and performing actions on the command line?
