the word reinforce means to make things strongerWhen you Reinforce something, you Make It Stronger.
It means that the sterling is hollow and has cement inside to add weight.
Manufacturing means to make something. Usually this word is used when something is being made in volume using some kind of machine.
Nothing, there is no such English word. You can not "un" invent something.
the word technology comes from GREEK word Techne means "ART" and Logy means "to talk about something". The specific methods, materials and devices used to solve problem is called technology.
Congregate means to create, spawn, or make something....
Make is a word that means to create and starts with "m".
You would add the prefix "Re-" to the root word figure in order to create a word that means to create a form or image of something again.
himtsi (המציא) which also means "to invent"
Create something in Japanese: 何かを作成する
The word creative is an adjective. It means having the ability to create something.
You could use the prefix "un-" to the root word in order to create a word that means to take or undo the original appearance of somebody or something.
Make changes