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It is positive and negative signal in the frequency of wave form, the voltage of amplitude modulation, that carriers the signal of frequency.In the process of graph showing result ...

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Q: What is the voltage wave form?
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What is the form factor of a half wave rectifier?

It is defined as the ratio of RMS value of output voltage to the average value of the out put voltage.

Is AC a wave or a wave form?

AC stands for "alternating current," which is a type of electrical current that periodically changes direction. It is not a wave but can be represented by a waveform, which shows how the voltage or current changes over time in a repetitive manner. So, AC is not a wave itself, but it produces a waveform when graphed.

Why voltage generation and distribution in multiples of 11?

due to the form factor .as the form factor of sine wave is 1.1 so, we use its multiples .

What is The process of changing a half-wave or full-wave rectified voltage to a constant dc voltage?

It is smoothing

What does a voltage waveform look like?

It can take (almost) any form, but what comes out of your wall is close to a sine-wave.

Could The waveform across resistors have been predicted by kirchhoff's voltage law?

This Law does not talk about wave form

What is the maximum absolute value reached by a voltage or current waveform?

define the maximum value of an ac wave form

What happens to the output waveform as the number of capacitors placed in parallel with resistor increases in half wave rectification?

The AC voltage is in the form of a sine wave. Half the wave is above zero volts and half below. In half wave rectification the bottom half of the wave is chopped off. That leaves a series of "humps' interspersed with a half wave time of zero voltage. The capacitor stores charge that decays through the resistor. The more capacitance the longer the charge is held and the voltage smooths out somewhat to approximate a DC voltage with some ripple. A full wave rectifier flips the bottom half of the waveform above zero so that the period of time the voltage is close to zero is reduced and the less ripple in the output voltage and the capacitor will smooth out the voltage even more.

What is the rms voltage for 144 volts modified sine wave?

if that 144 is the peak voltage if its a sine wave the rms voltage is that voltage divided by sqrt(2) if not a sine wave (modified) you must find the area under the curve by integrating a cycle of that wave shape (root mean squared)

How do you measure ac voltage by using galvanometer?

First rectify the voltage signal then pass it through galvanometer. its reading will give the rms value, so multipy it with form factor to get amplitude of the signal. Form factor for sinusoidal half wave and full wave are 1.11 and 2.22 respectively. One should also take care of voltage drop accross the rectifier diodes in calculation.

What is the effect of an RL circuit in half wave rectifier?

The effect of an RL circuit in half wave rectifier is that the voltage output wave forms for current and voltage will be modified .

What are the disadvantages of half wave recrifier?

A half wave rectifier does not make a stable voltage. A single phase half wave creates a "bumpy road" where voltage modulates between sine wave maximum and zero. A three phase half wave will create a more stable, but ultimately "unclean", voltage.