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Computer can gives information that can help the business. You can also use the computer for promoting or broadcasting your business so that you can assure that your business is at the right track and lastly computer is important because you can find their your clients and costumers, you can now easily convert your product into money and that's what computer bring us into our business.

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Q: What is the use of computers in business process outsourcing BPO?
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Why join bpo?

If you want to gain IT skills and experience then you can join or apply to some BPO firms. It depends on which type of IT skills you want,If you want IT skills in programming then i don't think BPO is the best place for you.

What is BPO and his history?

BPO is an organisation which actually works for some other organisation in collecting information about a particular product or provide information about that product or services to make people aware of it.

Role of a team leader in BPO?

To lead the team from the front in a constructive, efficient ,progressive manner and give them proper guidance and motivation .The goal should be performance,however that should not be the motto .Leader should molve in a manner so as to make a statement by his each movement.

What is Procedure for registration with nasscom to start BPO?

== == == == == ==* Membership Categories * Fee Structure * Code of Conduct * Election / Nomination to the Executive Council * Voting Rights * Check List of Documents to be attached with the Application Form To enrol as a NASSCOM member follow a simple three-step process: Download Brochure # Fill the Membership Application Form # Attach all the documents mentioned in the Checklist of Documents # Enclose the necessary remittancesMembership Category There are two categories of membership: A. Regular Member IT software and services organization registered in India with annual revenue from IT software and services exceeding Rs 1 crore These include: * Software Development Companies * IT Services Companies * Software Product Companies * Resellers of Branded Software Packages * E-Commerce Companies * IT Enabled Service Companies * System Integrators Eligibility: Any firm, society, company or division thereof registered or incorporated in India and conducting business in IT software, IT services with annual revenue exceeding Rs 1 crore is eligible to apply for Regular membership. B. Associate Member Following categories of organization qualify to become Associate Members * Start up IT software and service organization registered in India with annual revenue from IT software and services not exceeding Rs 1 Crore * Liaison offices of overseas organization registered in India * Organizations providing support/affiliated services to IT software and service organizations qualify to become "institutional members" under category of Associate Members. Membership under this category can be sought by: * NGO's * Government Organisations / Departments * Societies engaged in promotion of IT * Financial Institutions * Venture Capital Firms * Research Institutions * Infrastructure Providers * Real Estate Companies * Managements Consultants * Non Profit Organisations * "Companies providing services to IT industry"(Associate members enjoy all benefits but are not entitled to vote at any meeting of the association) Fee Structure The Fee Structure is as under # One-Time Admission/Application Fee of Rs. 5,000/-. # Annual Subscription Fee, as detailed hereunder. Annual subscription fee for regular members is based on the gross revenues from IT software and services for the previous financial year and shall be calculated on a slab system (See Table below). For start up companies, the annual subscription would be based on the estimated projected turnover of the current financial year. # Annual mailer and newsletter charges of Rs 4800/- applicable for member categories X, Y, Z, E and F. (Members under categories A,B,C and D are not required to pay Mailer/Newsletter charges) Please note that all payments have to be made by demand draft / Cheque in favour of 'NASSCOM' and payable at New Delhi / Mumbai / Chennai / Bangalore / Hyderabad Subscription Fee Structure ANNUAL GROSS REVENUE FROM IT SOFTWARE & SERVICES CATEGORYANNUAL MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION(IN RS.) 1. REGULAR MEMBERS * Exceeding Rs 10000 crore A(V) 60,00,000 * Exceeding Rs 5000 crore but not exceeding Rs 10000 crore A(IV) 40,00,000 * Exceeding Rs 2000 crore but not exceeding Rs 5000 crore A(III) 25,00,000 * Exceeding Rs 1000 crore but not exceeding Rs 2000 crore A(II) 12,50,000 * Exceeding Rs 500 crore but not exceeding Rs 1000 crore A(I)7,50,000 * Exceeding Rs 200 crore but not exceeding Rs 500 Crore B 4,50,000 * Exceeding Rs 50 crore but not exceeding Rs 200 Crore C 2,00,000 * Exceeding Rs 20 crore but not exceeding Rs 50 Crore D 85,000 * Exceeding Rs 5 crore but not exceeding Rs 20 Crore E45,000 * Exceeding Rs 1 crore but not exceeding Rs 5 Crore F 22,000 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS * Institutional Members X 50,000 * Foreign companies having liaison office in India Y 40,000 * Not exceeding Rs 1 Crore Z 10,000 EXPLANATIONS * In case of members having both IT software and services as well as non-software interest, the subscription shall be based on IT software and services activities only. In case of any doubt the quantum shall be decided by the Executive Council and it will be binding on the members. * Members shall, as and when required by the Association, furnish necessary information relating to their gross turnover and authorised capital. If any member fails to furnish this information, the Association is entitled to charge subscription from such members on the basis of 25 percent increase over its gross sales turnover figures of the previous year. * The annual subscription fees of new members joining after September in any year will be reduced to half the annual fees and those joining later than December in any Financial year will be provided membership on complimentary basis for the financial year under reference, subject to their paying the necessary application and subscription charges for the subsequent year in advance. MEMBERSHIP DUES All membership dues are payable in advance for a financial year (April - March) in full and become due on the first of April each year and are payable before the end of May that year. REVISION OF FEES The Executive Council reserves the right to revise the fee structure, as long as increases are limited to 25 percent of the respective fees and such revision is not effected more than once in a 12-month period. In all other cases, approval of the Association in a General Body meeting is required.Code of Conduct All members of NASSCOM are bound to conform to the Code of Conduct of the Association, as under: Relationship with Client: Dealings with clients must be conducted in an ethical manner; terms of agreements should be clearly and precisely expressed and fulfilled in good faith; work undertaken should be carried out promptly and efficiently and client's interests properly safeguarded and confidentiality maintained. Relations with Fellow Members: Dealings with fellow members must be conducted in a positive and professional manner and in utmost courtesy and fairness; property rights, work results, confidential data and vendor/client relations of fellow members ought to be respected; and no engagement in harmful, disparaging or predatory tactics will be entertained. Relations with Principals: Members shall represent Principals in a fair and business like manner in accordance with their contract, their property and other rights; and provide full and accurate business records. Relations with Employees: Members shall strive to employ high caliber staff and offer fair and equal opportunities for growth and development. Relevant training and constant upgrading of the employees has to be provided in line with job responsibilities. Also, employees have to be informed of their obligation to keep important data confidential. And of the fact that any professional misconduct constituting of unauthorized disclosure of confidential nature or violation of copyright laws will cause employers to take disciplinary action. Relations with Public: Members shall promote effective use of information technology as an instrument for social and economic good and act as good corporate citizens and fulfill their responsibilities to the community. Relations with International Community: Members shall promote communication with foreign countries, based on international cooperation. They would not harm India 's image, while conducting business abroad. Intellectual Property Protection: Members shall neither use nor encourage the use of pirated software in their own and their client's organizations. Election/Nomination to the Executive Council The general management and the control of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Council, which shall consist of not more than 30 and not less than 3 members. Meetings of the Executive Council shall be held not less than once in 3 months. The Executive Council may, at its discretion, nominate up to a maximum of 6 additional members. In no circumstances may a member company have more than 1 elected representative on the Executive Council. The Chairman and Vice Chairman will be elected by the Executive Council immediately upon its assuming office after the Annual General Meeting, each member of the Executive Council will having one vote for this purpose. The tenure of the Executive Council would be for two years but the Chairman, Vice Chairman, so elected by the Executive Council would assume office for one year. At the end of one year, the Executive Council would again elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. The outgoing Chairman or Vice Chairman shall be eligible for re-election.Category Numbers 1. General or Open 18 2. Nominated 6 3. Immediate Past Chairmen(s) 2 4. President / Secretary (ex - office) 1TOTAL 27 Each member of the Association will have votes as described earlier. The first Executive Council shall dissolve itself at the close of the second Annual General Meeting and a new Council will assume office. Tenure of the members of the Council including its co-opted members will be for two years. However, the term of the Chairman and Vice Chairmen will be for one year. The Council through co-option will fill any temporary vacancy as and when necessary. This will be in addition to the co-opted members referred to earlier. The tenure of these members will coincide with the tenure of the Council. The outgoing council members shall be eligible for re- election.Voting Rights Regular members are entitled to hold office and vote at any meeting of the Association. The voting rights of members shall be calculated according to the share of annual subscription of members on the following basis (fractions of a rupee being ignored). Associate Members have no voting rights.Annual Subscription Category VotesRs.22,000 F 1 Rs.45,000 E 2 Rs.85,000 D 3 Rs.2,00,000 C 4 Rs.4,50,000 B 5 Rs.7,50,000 - Rs.60,00,000 A 6 Checklist of Documents If an applicant meets the eligibility criteria, they may apply for membership by sending the following to the NASSCOM Secretariat: * Membership Application Form completed in all respects, duly signed and stamped. * Brief company profile on the company letterhead/printed corporate brochure. * An attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association to be provided in case of companies (including the copy of certificate of Incorporation). * An attested copy of Balance Sheet of the last financial year. Start up companies are required to attach a copy of their Project Report/Business Plan. * Certificate of Turnover: Certificate signed by the Company Auditor or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the applicant or equivalent, stating their gross turnover from IT software and services in the last financial year (Start-ups may give projections for the current financial year). * Details of each of the promoters, in terms of educational and professional background. In case of 100%owned subsidiaries, a profile of the parent company needs to be attached. * In case the company has applied for listing at STP/ SEZ, a copy of the STP/ SEZ approval/ Green card issued needs to be attached. * Letter of reference from two registered NASSCOM member companies. Click here to view the registered members. * Necessary remittances, which includes:• one-time admission fees of Rs. 5,000/-• annual membership subscription (see Subscription Fee chart), and• Mailers and Newsletter charges of Rs .4,800/-per annum

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What does it mean BPO?

BPO = Business Process Outsourcing BPO also means Broker Price Opinion. Which 1 are you asking about?

What do you mean by BPO?

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It is about outsourcing the processes and tasks of business functions/processes to a service provider.BPO has two prime sub categories:Voice BasedNon-Voice Based

What is BPO Business Process Outsourcing?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a sort of outsourcing wherein a third-party service provider is employed to carry out one or more business functions in a company. The third-party is responsible for doing all tasks identified with the business function.

What is the full form of BPO?

WIPRO BPO stands for the Business Process Outsourcing division of the company WIPRO

How do you grow in bpo?

An employee can grow in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) by getting exposed to new techniques and technology related to outsourcing.

Life in bpo?

Learn more about BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) information by visiting Wikipedia.

What is the difference between BPO and KPO?

BPO - Business process outsourcing(It means any part of business you are out sourcing) KPO- Knowledge process outsourcing(Mainly the works in which some study or research is needed)

What is meant by outsourcing?

Business Process Outsourcing is subcontracting a service, such as product design or manufacturing, to a third-party company. search keywords: Business Process Outsourcing, IT Outsourcing Philippines, BPO Offshore Outsourcing

Is mnc and bpo are same?

Not necessarily, MNC = Multi National Company BPO = Business Process Outsourcing

What is full form of bpo?

Well BPO is an abbreviation used for Business Process Outsourcing. We can say that it is another term used for outsourcing. When a company make a contract with an outside provider for services or any business process, we call it business process outsourcing. Business process services are outsourced to an outside firm or the third party who replaces the in-house services with labor of the company who outsource its process or functions. For more information on BPO and Call Center service provider contact Ison Xperiences

What are the examples in outsourcing?

There are multiple examples of Outsourcing namely; the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO), Accounts Process Outsourcing, Medical Outsourcing, etc.

What are the functions of a BPO software?

BPO stands for business process outsourcing. It is a subset of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions to a third-party service provider.