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It contains an address, which will be used in calculting the actual address of an operand.

Example (Sytem/360): L R2,12(R3,R4)


tempadd := 12 + R3 + R4

R2 := content of memory at tempadd

here R3 is called base registed, R4 is called index register. Or vice versa.

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there are 14 registers in 8088 micro processor. All the 14 are 16 bit registers. They are4 segment registers viz - code segment register, stack segment register, data segment register, extra segment register.general registers are - accumulator register i.e. AX, base register i.e. BX, count register i.e. CX, data register i.e. DX and stack pointer (SP), base pointer (BP).index registers are - source index(SI), destination index(DI),and the other registers are instruction pointer and flags register.

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WHAT IS BX in general purpose register?

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There is no PC register in the 8086/8088. It is called the IP register by Intel and it stands for the Instruction Pointer. It contains the address of the current/next instruction to be executed.

How does push work on registers and variables?

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