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It is used as a compressor. It has the same advantages over a piston compressor as a gas turbine engine has over a piston engine. i.e. no valves, much lower part count and much greater efficiency.

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Q: What is the use of a turbine in refrigeration?
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Why would you not heat the steam coming out of turbine and feedback to turbine?

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What does a home wind turbine do?

A home wind turbine will use the power of wind to provide and generate energy. One can use a home wind turbine at home to provide electricity or heat water, for example.

What type of energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity?

Solar energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells, without the need for a turbine.

How much does it cost to build a water turbine?

AnswerA small home use Hydroelectric turbine costs about 5,000 if you want a good turbine and 2,500 dollars if you want a cheap but not efficient turbine.

What material steam turbine used for?

he use bronze he use wood.

Why would a turbine be used instead of a water wheel?

a turbine would be used instead of a water wheel because a turbine does not use as much energy and it uses the wind to generate it.

Which resource doesn't use a turbine to generate electricity?

One resource that doesn't use a turbine to generate electricity is solar power. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells without the need for a turbine.

Which type of energy does not use a turbine to produce electricity?
