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1). You don't need the voltage 'E' in order to calculate the total resistance. The total

resistance is the same whether the circuit is connected to a big battery, to a small

battery, to a bicycle pump, or lying in the back of the desk drawer.

2). In a series circuit, the total resistance is just the sum of the individual resistances.

In this example, the total resistance is

R1 + R2 + R3 = 100 + 500 + 600 = 1,200 ohms .

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Q: What is the total resistance in the series circuit where E equals 240 R1 equals 100 R2 equals 500 R3 equals 600?
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How is the total resistance in a series circuit is determined?

The total resistance in a series circuit is determined by adding (summing) the individual resistances of each component in the circuit.

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You raise the total resistance by that amount if added in series to a circuit. If you add them in parallel to a circuit then that total resistance will be less than the total of the added circuit.

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The resistance of a series circuit is simply the sum of the individual resistors.

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If the circuit consists of resistors only, you simply add the values of all the resistors, in ohms.

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Increases the total resistance

What is the affect of a series circuit on current?

by adding the the resistances in series the total resistance of the circuit increses and thus the crunt flowing in the circuit decrese. Ans 2 . the current in series circuit of constant resistance will always be the same . It will not effect the current .

How is resistance added in a series circuit?

Resistance in a series circuit is added by simply connecting resistors end-to-end. This results in the total resistance being the sum of the individual resistances. The current passing through each resistor in a series circuit remains the same.

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The total resistance of resistors in series is simply the sum of the resistance values of those resistors. If the resistors are identical, then you can multiply the resistance of one of them by the number of resistors in the circuit.

Why does resistance increase in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total resistance increases because the individual resistances add up. As the current flows through each component in succession, the resistance offered by each component adds to the total resistance. This leads to an overall increase in resistance in a series circuit.

Total amperage in a series circuit?

Voltage divided by total resistance will give the current. The resistance is simply the sum of all the individual resistances.