Stick welding
The proper name Technic is a line of plastic toys by Lego.The English noun is spelled techniques (methods, procedures).
Tungsten Inert Gas (orTIG) welding is also referred to as GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) and by the term Heliarc® which was the Linde Company's trade name for the TIG process when it was originally introduced.The welding arc is started with a sharply pointed tungsten electrode shielded by inert gas. A separate filler rod is fed manually into the weld puddle in much the same way as is done when gas welding.The process is well suited for aluminum.
Heliarc was the name used when TIG welding was first developed during WWII. A tungsten electrode carrying the current to create an arc and utilizing helium as a protective gas. The process has evolved to utilize many different types of gasses. The name was changed to reflect this. The correct nomenclature is GTAW. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding Flux Cored Arc Welding
Stick welding
A "bow."
The correct term is Kalaallit Nunaat, meaning 'Land of the people' .
The technically correct name for Greenland is "Kalaallit Nunaat" in the Greenlandic language, which translates to "Land of the Kalaallit people."
The proper name Technic is a line of plastic toys by Lego.The English noun is spelled techniques (methods, procedures).
Tungsten Inert Gas (orTIG) welding is also referred to as GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) and by the term Heliarc® which was the Linde Company's trade name for the TIG process when it was originally introduced.The welding arc is started with a sharply pointed tungsten electrode shielded by inert gas. A separate filler rod is fed manually into the weld puddle in much the same way as is done when gas welding.The process is well suited for aluminum.
They are known as "pop-up timers".
Heliarc was the name used when TIG welding was first developed during WWII. A tungsten electrode carrying the current to create an arc and utilizing helium as a protective gas. The process has evolved to utilize many different types of gasses. The name was changed to reflect this. The correct nomenclature is GTAW. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding.
One of the major companies that sell welding gas is a supply company for welders. The name of the company is Central Welding supply and serve many people.
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Gas Metal Arc Welding Flux Cored Arc Welding
The apostrophe S is technically correct (Venus's) but many people who use the name leave off the second S for appearance, or just name it Venus School of Beauty and avoid the problem altogether.