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Q: What is the relation of load resistance with bandwidth?
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What is the relation between internal resistance and load resistance when current is constant in the circute?

The total resistance of a circuit is the sum of the supply's internal resistance and its load resistance, because they are in series with each other. This is true regardless of the magnitude of, or the variation in, the current.

Is there any relation between transmission media and bandwidth?

There is a relation between transmission media and bandwidth. The transmission media cannot exceed the amount of bandwidth available. The transmission of media is limited to the bandwidth.

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How does load current varies with the load resistance?

Load current is related to load resistance by an inverse relationship. The load current increases linearly as load resistance decreases. Remember, the less resistance, the more current.

Is every resistance load resistance?

No. Load resistance is the value of the element actually doing the work of the circuit it is connected to. A speaker connected to an amplifier is the load.

What is the relation between bandwith and gain?

The product of bandwidth and gain is constant. If bandwidth increases then gain decreases and vice versa.

Why does the terminal voltage decreases as the load current increases?

A: That will happen anytime the voltage source is not able to provide the power needed for the load. If the load exceed the power available from the source the voltage will be reduced as IR drop from the source

What is the relation between bandwidth and numerical aperture in optical communication?

when numerical aperture increases ,there will be greater lss and low bandwidth...jahi

What will happen when source resistance equals load restiance?

when source resistance and load resistance are equal maximum power is transfered

What is the definition of the resistance arm?

The resistance arm is the side of the lever (from the fulcrum to the load) that carries the load.

What is a feature of Load Balancers?

Combines bandwidth and balances network traffic

Does it use band width if just watching of a site?

If you load a website, and just sit there looking at it, the only bandwidth you spent was to load the page. No additional bandwidth is spent to view the page for any length of time.