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The <base> tag identifies the base URL (target) for all relative URLs in a document. Here is an example from the w3schools standard: <base href="http://mysite/" target="_blank">. The target="_blank" attribute defaults to opening links in a new tab or window.

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Q: What is the purpose of base tag in HTML?
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The purpose of the b tag in HTML?

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What is the purpose of em in HTML?

It italicises text, so it does the exact same thing as the I tag does.

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It bolds text, so it has the exact same effect as the B tag does.

What HTML tag is used to mark the top of the page?

The first tag you use when developing an HTML document is the tag. The first tag you use for the main content of your page is the tag. is the tag that marks the top of an HTML page. The minimum required first like is , which starts the definition of the page content.

What does i stand for in HTML?

The &lt;i&gt; tag in HTML is used to offset text that should be displayed in italics. It's a carry-over from early versions of HTML, as its purpose is solely presentational and not semantic. In most cases, the use of the emphasis tag &lt;em&gt; is encouraged in its place.

What is the head tag in HTML document?

The &lt;head&gt; at the beginning of an HTML document comes between &lt;html&gt; and &lt;body&gt;. It is a container that includes information that relates to the entire document. You can include the following tags in the &lt;head&gt; tag: &lt;title&gt; (required in an HTML document), &lt;style&gt;, &lt;base&gt;, &lt;link&gt;, &lt;meta&gt;, &lt;script&gt;, and &lt;noscript&gt;.

What is the purpose of the tag in HTML file?

tags are used to differentiate the text like headings, normal text

What is used to meta tag in HTML?


The tag that appears after the HTML tag is?


What is the first tag in every HTML document?

The HTML document begins,and ends with the tag . The element defines the whole HTML document. The element has a start tag and an end tag The Start element Tags within the HTML tags begins the content to be displayed for the web page (end body tag) The basic Tags needed to start an HTML document (and must be ended) look like this: This is where the content goes