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The most famous C Programming software is C++. This language is commonly known for being quite difficult for one to master. This language is significantly harder to learn compared to Java.

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Q: What is the most famous C programming software?
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Is there still programmer available for C++ software?

Yes, a lot of programmers are available for doing programming in C++ software. But after the popularity of .Net, many have shifted their programming career to .Net Yes, there are still programmer available for C++ software.. C++ is one of the most popular and still useful computer science language in the programming world.

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Turbo C is a software where C or C++ programming environment resides in.But C++ is itself a programming language.

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C- Programing is basically a programing language of a computer. It helps to create software programing language which is usefull in creating softwares & data base programes. C programing language is the first & basic programing language. Other programing languages are:- C, C++ & C# (latest).

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Can you install C language in Linux?

C isn't a program, or something you install; it is a programming language for writing software. Linux and most of the programs that run on it were written in C, and a C compiler and libraries are supplied with most systems, or are readily available.

What are example of programming software?

c,c++,b,BASIC,Python,Java,Visual C, Visual C++ and visual basic

What programming language was used to develop handwriting recognition software?

That depends on which handwriting recognition software you are referring to. However, C++ is the most likely candidate due to its speed and efficiency. There are certainly open source implementations available in C++.

Who deveploved c language?

C is a general-purpose computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories for use with the Unix operating system. Although C was designed for implementing system software, it is also widely used for developing portable application software. C is one of the most popular programming languagesand there are very few computer architectures for which a C compiler does not exist.

What is the name of some programming software for C++?

Intel has some of the best software for the visual studio. It is great for any kind of programming and can work well with any kind of application you are running.

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