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Basically non combustible and fire resistive are the same. Difference is non combustible has steel frame members that are unprotected or limited protected. Fire resistive has protected steel frame members with a fire rated material such as concrete.

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Q: What is the major difference between noncombustible construction and fire resistive construction?
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What is the difference between construction standard and general construction notes?

sdsfdsf sdfsdfsfsd fsfsdfsdf sdfsdfsdfds

When using a resistive load bank to test a generator do you load it to the kW or the kVA?

When using a resistive load bank to test a generator, it does not matter if you load the generator to its kW or kVA rating, because those two numbers are the same when considering a resistive load. Power factor, which is the difference between true and apparent power, only comes into play when there is a reactive (inductive or capacitative) load.

What is the phase angle difference between inductive load and resistive load?

The phase angle is defined as the angle by which the load current leads or lags the supply voltage.For a purely-resistive load, the phase angle is zero, because the load current is in phase with the supply voltage.For a purely-inductive load, the phase angle is 90 degrees lagging.But few loads are either purely-resistive or purely-inductive; typically, most loads are resistive-inductive. This means that, typically, the phase angle lies somewhere between zero and 90 degrees.

What is the difference between Needlenose pliers and regular pliers in construction tools?

needle nose are pointy and regular ones are oval shaped

What is the difference between construction and construction management?

If you understand a short language . Construction management is a recent practice in construction site for timely completion of the civil engineering projects the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats" Construction management is also thought of to be a higher level in construction. You may not be the one doing all the work, but instead you command others to do the work. Construction is a more general term as in building something.

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What is the difference between a potentiometer and a rheostat?

The fundamental difference between a potentiometer (pot) and a rheostat is that the former is a three terminal device, while the latter is a two terminal one. Let's look at both. When we consider either device, we are looking at a resistive element with a "wiper" or "adjustable contact" to which we can attach a wire. The only difference between the two devices is that the resistive element can have an electrical contact (terminal) at both ends or at just one end. The pot has terminals at each end of the resistive element, and the rheostat has a terminal at only one end. Lastly, a pot can be used in place of a rheostat, but not the other way around. Use the links to check facts and lock in the ideas.

What is the phase angle difference between inductive load and resistive load?

The phase angle is defined as the angle by which the load current leads or lags the supply voltage.For a purely-resistive load, the phase angle is zero, because the load current is in phase with the supply voltage.For a purely-inductive load, the phase angle is 90 degrees lagging.But few loads are either purely-resistive or purely-inductive; typically, most loads are resistive-inductive. This means that, typically, the phase angle lies somewhere between zero and 90 degrees.

What is the phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit?

The phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit is zero. Voltage and current are in phase with each other.

Compare the phase relationship between the voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit and an RL circuit?

In a pure resistive circuit the voltage and current are in phase. In an inductive circuit they are fro zero to 180 degrees out of phase. If they are in phase the Power Factor is 1 and 180 degrees the PF is zero. The exact amount of the phase difference depends on the specific circuit.

What is the construction cost today at squre foot?

Whatever the construction company charges. You can't even make an informed guess at this question, because you stated nothing about what type of construction you were referring to. Big difference between building a road and building a skyscraper.

In a purely resistive ac circuit the current and voltage?

Voltage and current will be in phase for a purely resistive load. As a load becomes more inductive or capacitive, the phase angle between voltage and current will increase.

What is the difference between a federally funded highway and a non-federally funded highway?

The difference is who paid for it. There are federal highways and state highways and county roads. There are some different requirements, but they construction is the same.

What is the relationship between resistance and current in a resistive circuit?

:) It's connected together

What is Pure Resistive?

A purely resistive load is one in which there is no capacitive or inductive reactance. Whe driven by an AC voltage source, such a load will have no shift in phase angle between voltage and current.

Difference between the civil engineering project and the building construction project?

Building is a structure and civil in water, sewer, storm drains as well as roads and bridges.