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The limitation of science and technology is the ability to travel at the speed of light and in order to travel at the speed of light we would need to find a way to not interact with the higgs boson. Since we are interacting with the higgs boson we can not travel at the speed of light.

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Q: What is the limitation of science and technology?
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What are the limitation of technology and science?

Nerds retards metals suckers

Limitation of science and technology?

The human brain. As Einstein said; "We don't yet understand 1,000th of 1% of what nature has revealed to us"

Scope and limitation of science?

THe scope and limitation of science scope have only a reason to values but the limitation has not answer at all hahaha

Difine science and give its importanse and limitation?

define science

Did you agree that science has limitation?


How does science related to technology?

Science relates to technology because science created technology. It was the knowledge and experimentation of science that lead to the creation of technology.

What is technology science?

Science and Technology=Science and technology is a term of art used to encompass the relationship between science and technology. It frequently appears within titles of academic disciplines (science and technology studies) and government offices (Office of Science and Technology).=

How is technology and science linked?

Technology is science

Does technology benefit from science?

Yes. The root of technology is science . As science evolves, technology also evolves .

What are the effect of communication on science and technology?

what are the effect of comunication of science and technology, or science and technology effect on communication.

What is the impact of technology on science?

technology is the application of science

What is the example of limitation of science?

one of the exemple is that science cannot know nothing of beauty.