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If the variable is local to the function it exists until the function returns.

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Q: What is the lifetime of local variables in a function?
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whose variables are also known as global variables?

The variables which are declared outside the main() function is known as global variables and they can be used anywhere in the program. And, the variables which used declare inside the main() function is known as local variables and they can be used inside the main() function only. Example: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int x,y; // global variables void main() { int a,b; // Local variables ------------ ---------------------- --------------------- getch(); }

Which variable is not destroyed on exit from the function instead its value is presented and becomes available again when the function is next called These variables are declared as?

Local function variables defined static remain in memory at all times. Such variables are only in scope (accessible) when the function itself is in scope.

Should you avoid local variable scope?

No. In most designs, local variables are considered a good thing thanks to the isolation that they provide (no other code can "abuse" your variable). However, it is important to distinguish between local static variables, local automatic variables, and locally made references to the heap. Local static variables are initialized only once at application initialization time, and retain their most recently assigned value over multiple invocations of the function which contains them. Local static variables must be used with care and can lead to non-reentrant code (the famous example being the strtok() CRT function). However, these variables are usually great to track the total number of something, or the minimum or maximum value of a particular item, etc. In C, local automatic variables are the most common form of local variables. These are typically allocated on the stack, so care must be taken when declaring large automatic variables, or when using recursion. When the size of a local automatic variable is a concern, dynamic memory management method should be considered those maintain a local auto pointer on the stack but place the data in the heap. This method allows to allocate large amounts of data without burden on the stack, and the lifetime of such data is no longer limited by the lifetime of the scope in which it was allocated. Very rare cases exist where local variables are generally avoided; these are mostly in the area of very resource limited embedded programming.

What is the purpose of the program stack?

Its main use is to store local variables, arguments and return address each time a function is called.When your program calls a function the following happen :- The function arguments are put on the stack- The current instruction pointer is put on the stack- The program jumps to the start of the function- Space is allocated on the stack to hold local variables- The function executes- The space holding local variables is de-allocated- The instruction pointer is restored and removed from the stack (we are now leaving the function and resuming the calling procedure)- The arguments are removed from the stack

What are the advantages of local variables in programming?

1. Local variables cannot be used by other forms. 2. Cannot be used globally. 3. They can slowdown the compiling process.

Related questions

whose variables are also known as global variables?

The variables which are declared outside the main() function is known as global variables and they can be used anywhere in the program. And, the variables which used declare inside the main() function is known as local variables and they can be used inside the main() function only. Example: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int x,y; // global variables void main() { int a,b; // Local variables ------------ ---------------------- --------------------- getch(); }

What actually happens when function get called how the compiler is reading the next instruction after completing that function?

When a function gets called, the processor first stores the address of the calling function in a structure called activisation structure and jumps to the called function. Then it allocates the memory for the local variables and initializes them. Then it does the processing in that function. After that it deallocates the memory allocated for the local variables and returns to the calling function. When a function gets called, the processor first stores the address of the calling function in a structure called activisation structure and jumps to the called function. Then it allocates the memory for the local variables and initializes them. Then it does the processing in that function. After that it deallocates the memory allocated for the local variables and returns to the calling function.

When does the local variables gets memory in C?

When entering the function; they are on the stack.

When is better to use global variables rather than utilizing local variables in a program?

In my opinion it is rarely a good idea to use global variables, unless you need to refer to them across modules, or their values need to be keep for a long period of program execution. Local variables should always be used when their lifetime is short, usually only in the module they are declared in. Global variables lifetime will be for the length of the program execution.

Which variable is not destroyed on exit from the function instead its value is presented and becomes available again when the function is next called These variables are declared as?

Local function variables defined static remain in memory at all times. Such variables are only in scope (accessible) when the function itself is in scope.

Should you avoid local variable scope?

No. In most designs, local variables are considered a good thing thanks to the isolation that they provide (no other code can "abuse" your variable). However, it is important to distinguish between local static variables, local automatic variables, and locally made references to the heap. Local static variables are initialized only once at application initialization time, and retain their most recently assigned value over multiple invocations of the function which contains them. Local static variables must be used with care and can lead to non-reentrant code (the famous example being the strtok() CRT function). However, these variables are usually great to track the total number of something, or the minimum or maximum value of a particular item, etc. In C, local automatic variables are the most common form of local variables. These are typically allocated on the stack, so care must be taken when declaring large automatic variables, or when using recursion. When the size of a local automatic variable is a concern, dynamic memory management method should be considered those maintain a local auto pointer on the stack but place the data in the heap. This method allows to allocate large amounts of data without burden on the stack, and the lifetime of such data is no longer limited by the lifetime of the scope in which it was allocated. Very rare cases exist where local variables are generally avoided; these are mostly in the area of very resource limited embedded programming.

What is the purpose of the program stack?

Its main use is to store local variables, arguments and return address each time a function is called.When your program calls a function the following happen :- The function arguments are put on the stack- The current instruction pointer is put on the stack- The program jumps to the start of the function- Space is allocated on the stack to hold local variables- The function executes- The space holding local variables is de-allocated- The instruction pointer is restored and removed from the stack (we are now leaving the function and resuming the calling procedure)- The arguments are removed from the stack

Is it True or False that Variables declared in the particular member function are know as data members and can be used in all member functions of the class?

False. Variables declared within a particular member function are local to that function, and are automatically allocated and deallocated at entry and exit of the function.

What are the advantages of local variables in programming?

1. Local variables cannot be used by other forms. 2. Cannot be used globally. 3. They can slowdown the compiling process.

What is the difference between a static variable a global variable and a local variable?

A static variable is a variable allocated in static storage. A local variable is a variable declared inside a function. A global variable is a variable declared outside of any class or function. Note that local variables and global variables can both be allocated in static storage.

What is the difination of linear function?

A linear function is any function that graphs to a straight line. What this means mathematically is that the function has either one or two variables with no exponents or powers. If the function has more variables, the variables must be constants or known variables for the function to remain a linear function.

How do you hide local variables in c and give precedence to global variables inside the function?

Hi, I would like to answr the question.So, if you want the to give more precedence to global variables with respect to a local one.Just add a pair of curly braces in the local variable and by doing so u can access global variable.