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ASCIIHTMLHTMLDecHexSymbolNumberNameDescription32 20 space

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Press the space-bar on your keyboard.

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Q: What is the keyword used in C to give space in ASCII?
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How ASCII is used in the computer?

ASCII is a form of character encoding, so it can be used by your computer for any task.

Where is ASCII used?

ASCII is used to determine which character to display when a keyboard key is pressed, or code entered.

What is packed decimal?

Packed decimal is a method used in computing to store more in less space. A bit of theory here. Characters are stored in binary in their ASCII representation, such that the number 1 = ascii 49 (decimal). Packed decimal means you can store two numbers (numbers only) in the same space, so that ascii 49 = numbers 4 and 9. There is overhead so it is always a trade off between space and computing. And storage is cheap these days

How does the ASCII code works?

ASCII is an abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The ASCII code, which is used worldwide, is used to create computer coding languages so computers can interact with people.

Is in is used as a keyword in C language?

Neither "in" nor "is" is a keyword in C.

How do you translate this binary code into letters 1101110100100010100110001010101001100101010101?

It's impossible to give you an answer for this unless you know what character encoding was used. Translating that to ASCII will give an entirely different answer than translating from Unicode.

What is oem extended ascii?

Extended ASCII is 8-bit encoding which is wider than standard ASCII and also includes all characters from standard ASCII encoding.ASCII is 7-bit, 128 possible values; Extended ASCII is 8-bit , 256 possible value;128 first characters of Extended ASCII is the same as ASCII, next 128 are additional. This why it is called Extended ASCII.What is ASCII?ASCII is mainly English language characters encoding, that is used for representation of text information.

What keyboard shortcut can be used in conjunction with the numeric keypad to create a space?

I think you are asking about ASCII number for space i.e. "032". Press 032 on numeric pad while pressing "Alt" key. Hope that helps....

Is ASCII is a language used by the computer?

ASCII is American Standard Code for Information Interchange, it's not a language, it's a code.

What is character code used by most personal computers?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

What is a keyword marketing tool used for?

A keyword marketing tool is used to increase organic traffic by focusing on the most promising keywords. The more a keyword is used by searchers and websites the more attraction it receives.

Can keyword be used as variables?

No, any keyword could be used as a identifier (a method, class or variable name). These keywords have a special meaning in the language and the compiler can not identify if they are used as a variable name or as a keyword,