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The 8085 has five interrupts, INTR, RST5.5, RST6.5, RST7.5, and TRAP. It also has eight software interrupts, RST0, RST1, ..., RST7.

The INTR interrupt requires a hardware response that is an opcode. Usually, the opcode is either a CALL instruction, in which case the interrupt vector can go anywhere in memory, or it is an RST instruction, in which case the vector is based on a table in low memory.

In the case of RST instructions, either directly or via INTR, or the RSTx.5 interrupts, you simply multiply the interrupt number by 8 to get the vector address. The following table presents the vector addresses for all possible interrupts...

RST 0 - 00H

RST 1 - 08H

RST 2 - 10H

RST 3 - 18H

RST 4 - 20H

TRAP - 24H

RST 5 - 28H

RST5.5 - 2CH

RST 6 - 30H

RST 6.5 - 34H

RST 7 - 38H

RST 7.5 - 3CH

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Q: What is the interrupt number in 8085 microprocessor and how to find interrupt's vector address?
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Explain Externally initiated signals and interrupt in 8085?

The 8085 Microprocessor has five interrupts signals that can be used to interrupt a program execution. They are:INTR-Interrupt Request (Input): This is used as a general -purpose interrupt.INTA-Interrupt Acknowledge (Output): This is used to acknowledge an interrupt.RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5-Restart interrupts (Inputs): These are vectored interrupts that transfer the program controls to specify memory locations. There have higher priorities than the INTR interrupt. Among these three, the priority order is 7.5, 6.5 and 5.5.TRAP (Input): This is a non-mask able interrupt and has the highest priority.In addition to the interrupts, three pins - RESET, HOLD, and READY - accept the externally initiated signals as inputs. The HOLD signal indicates that a peripheral such as a DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller is requesting the use of the address and data buses. The READY signal is used to delay the microprocessor READ or WRITE cycles until a slow-responding peripheral is ready to send or accept data. When this signal goes low, the microprocessor waits for an integral number of clock cycles until it goes high. Lastly, when the RESET IN signal goes low, the program counter is set to zero, the buses are tri-stated, and the MPU is reset and the RESET OUT signal indicates that the MPU is being reset and used to reset other devices.To respond to the HOLD request, the 8085 Microprocessor has one signal, called HLDA (Hold Acknowledge). It acknowledges the HOLD request.

What is interrupt in assembly language?

An interrupt (for example, Intel-based opcode 0xCD) causes the CPU to pause its current execution, store the state of the registers on the stack, then process a defined subroutine. When this subroutine completes, the interrupt finishes, the registers are restored from the stack, and the previous execution state resumes. Interrupts come in two basic flavors: hardware and software. A hardware interrupt occurs when a connected piece of hardware raises an IRQ signal. This mechanism tells the CPU that the hardware has information that needs to be processed. This is more efficient than polling for devices that have relatively few inputs or that have a latency that the CPU shouldn't wait for. Keyboards and mice are often interrupt-driven; the CPU only needs to know when something interesting has happened (a key was pressed or the mouse was moved, for example). Hard drives are also interrupt-driven; this allows the hard drive to locate the requested data and then return that data some CPU cycles later without the CPU having to request the status of the operation repeatedly. In contrast, a software interrupt is usually triggered by software as a means of invoking operating system code in a reliable manner. For example, in MS-DOS, a developer would call INT 0x21 in order to invoke typical DOS commands, such as reading or writing a file, obtaining keyboard input, and other basic operations. Most older operating systems running on Intel-compatible processors use software interrupts to provide a way for the program to access system functions. Newer operating systems use new opcodes that circumvent the need for software interrupts, although most platforms still provide this mechanism for legacy software.

Most round-robin schedulers use a fixed size quantum Give an argument in favor of a small quantum .Now give an argument in favor of a large quantum. Compare and contrast the types of systems and jobs?

An argument against a small time quantum: Efficiency. A small time quantum requires the timer to generate interrupts with short intervals. Each interrupt causes a context switch, so overhead increases with a larger number of interrupts. An argument for a small time quantum: Response time. A large time quantum will reduce the overhead of context switching since interrupts will be generated with relatively long intervals, hence there will be fewer interrupts. However, a short job will have to wait longer time on the ready queue before it can get to execute on the processor. With a short time quantum, such a short job will finish quicker and produces the result to the end user faster than with a longer time quantum

Why microprocessor opcode fetch will 6 t states and 4 t states?

different microprocessors take different number of states. without knowing processor its not possible to comment.

How do you calculate number of address lines needeed for 1 MB?

20 address lines are required

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What is an interrupt and how are multiple interrupts dealt with?

An Interrupt is a signal that goes into a microprocessor that tells it something has happened that needs attention. There are generally dedicated pins on the microprocessor, often called "Int" (for Interrupt) and "NMI" (for Non-Maskable Interrupt). For a microprocessor, an interrupt signal is like the bell on a telephone is for you; it's a notice that you should stop what you are doing now and deal with this issue that has come up. Exact procedures for dealing with an interrupt vary from one microprocessor to another; generally, the microprocessor puts out a signal that says "Where should I go, then?" and a piece of hardware, the Interrupt Controller, then responds with a signal that tells it which condition has happened. The processor then starts processing the indicated piece of code, and that piece of code handles the condition. The Interrupt Controller often handles setting priority for interrupts, accepting a number of signals (often four), and setting priorities on each. It will trigger another interrupt in the middle of processing one if the new interrupt is a higher priority than the one that is already being processed, or will hold on to the lower priority one until the CPU is finished with a higher-priority one. The CPU can often "disable interrupts" when it is doing something time-critical. At such times, the only interrupt that can occur is the Non-Maskable Interrupt, which is generally reserved for critical error conditions that have to be dealt with immediately no matter what else is going on.

Explain Externally initiated signals and interrupt in 8085?

The 8085 Microprocessor has five interrupts signals that can be used to interrupt a program execution. They are:INTR-Interrupt Request (Input): This is used as a general -purpose interrupt.INTA-Interrupt Acknowledge (Output): This is used to acknowledge an interrupt.RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5-Restart interrupts (Inputs): These are vectored interrupts that transfer the program controls to specify memory locations. There have higher priorities than the INTR interrupt. Among these three, the priority order is 7.5, 6.5 and 5.5.TRAP (Input): This is a non-mask able interrupt and has the highest priority.In addition to the interrupts, three pins - RESET, HOLD, and READY - accept the externally initiated signals as inputs. The HOLD signal indicates that a peripheral such as a DMA (Direct Memory Access) controller is requesting the use of the address and data buses. The READY signal is used to delay the microprocessor READ or WRITE cycles until a slow-responding peripheral is ready to send or accept data. When this signal goes low, the microprocessor waits for an integral number of clock cycles until it goes high. Lastly, when the RESET IN signal goes low, the program counter is set to zero, the buses are tri-stated, and the MPU is reset and the RESET OUT signal indicates that the MPU is being reset and used to reset other devices.To respond to the HOLD request, the 8085 Microprocessor has one signal, called HLDA (Hold Acknowledge). It acknowledges the HOLD request.

How many interrupts in 8085 microprocessor?

The processor has 5 interrupts. They are presented below in the order of their priority (from lowest to highest):INTR is maskable 8080A compatible interrupt. When the interrupt occurs the processor fetches from the bus one instruction, usually one of these instructions:One of the 8 RST instructions (RST0 - RST7). The processor saves current program counter into stack and branches to memory location N * 8 (where N is a 3-bit number from 0 to 7 supplied with the RST instruction).CALL instruction (3 byte instruction). The processor calls the subroutine, address of which is specified in the second and third bytes of the instruction.RST5.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is received the processor saves the contents of the PC register into stack and branches to 002Ch (hexadecimal) address.RST6.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is received the processor saves the contents of the PC register into stack and branches to 0034h (hexadecimal) address.RST7.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is received the processor saves the contents of the PC register into stack and branches to 003Ch (hexadecimal) address.Trap is a non-maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is received the processor saves the contents of the PC register into stack and branches to 0024h (hexadecimal) address.All maskable interrupts can be enabled or disabled using EI and DI instructions. RST 5.5, RST6.5 and RST7.5 interrupts can be enabled or disabled individually using SIM instruction.

How many pages does Realtime Interrupt have?

"Realtime Interrupt" does not have a fixed number of pages, as it is an abstract concept related to computer systems and programming. The term refers to a mechanism that allows a processor to temporarily halt its current operation to service a specific event or request in real time. The implementation and details of real-time interrupts can vary depending on the specific system architecture and requirements.

What are Interrupts and their types?

In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution.A hardware interrupt causes the processor to save its state of execution and begin execution of an interrupt handler. Software interrupts are usually implemented as instructions in the instruction set, which cause a context switch to an interrupt handler similar to a hardware interrupt.Interrupts are a commonly used technique for computer multitasking, especially in real-time computing. Such a system is said to be interrupt-driven.An act of interrupting is referred to as an interrupt request (IRQ).Types of Interrupts1. Level-triggeredA level-triggered interrupt is an interrupt for which an unserviced interrupt is indicated by a particular state, high level or low level, of the interrupt request line. A device wishing to signal an interrupt drives the line to its active level, and then holds it at that level until serviced. It ceases asserting the line when the CPU commands it to or otherwise handles the condition that caused it to signal the interrupt.2. Edge-triggeredAn edge-triggered interrupt is an interrupt signalled by a level transition on the interrupt line, either a falling edge (high to low) or a rising edge (low to high). A device wishing to signal an interrupt drives a pulse onto the line and then releases the line to its inactive state. If the pulse is too short to be detected by polled I/O then special hardware may be required to detect the edge.Edge-triggered interrupts do not suffer the problems that level-triggered interrupts have with sharing. Service of a low-priority device can be postponed arbitrarily, and interrupts will continue to be received from the high-priority devices that are being serviced. If there is a device that the CPU does not know how to service, it may cause a spurious interrupt, or even periodic spurious interrupts, but it does not interfere with the interrupt signalling of the other devices. However, it is fairly easy for an edge triggered interrupt to be missed - for example if interrupts have to be masked for a period - and unless there is some type of hardware latch that records the event it is impossible to recover. Such problems caused many "lockups" in early computer hardware because the processor did not know it was expected to do something. More modern hardware often has one or more interrupt status registers that latch the interrupt requests; well written edge-driven interrupt software often checks such registers to ensure events are not missed.3. HybridSome systems use a hybrid of level-triggered and edge-triggered signalling. The hardware not only looks for an edge, but it also verifies that the interrupt signal stays active for a certain period of time. A common use of a hybrid interrupt is for the NMI (non-maskable interrupt) input. Because NMIs generally signal major -- or even catastrophic -- system events, a good implementation of this signal tries to ensure that the interrupt is valid by verifying that it remains active for a period of time. This 2-step approach helps to eliminate false interrupts from affecting the system.4. Message-signaledMain article: Message Signaled InterruptsA message-signalled interrupt does not use a physical interrupt line. Instead, a device signals its request for service by sending a short message over some communications medium, typically a computer bus. The message might be of a type reserved for interrupts, or it might be of some pre-existing type such as a memory write.Message-signalled interrupts behave very much like edge-triggered interrupts, in that the interrupt is a momentary signal rather than a continuous condition. Interrupt-handling software treats the two in much the same manner. Typically, multiple pending message-signalled interrupts with the same message (the same virtual interrupt line) are allowed to merge, just as closely spaced edge-triggered interrupts can merge.5. DoorbellIn a push button analogy applied to computer systems, the term doorbell or doorbell interrupt is often used to describe a mechanism whereby a software system can signal or notify a computer hardware device that there is some work to be done. Typically, the software system will place data in some well known and mutually agreed upon memory location(s), and "ring the doorbell" by writing to a different memory location. This different memory location is often called the doorbell region, and there may even be multiple doorbells serving different purposes in this region. It's this act of writing to the doorbell region of memory that "rings the bell" and notifies the hardware device that the data is ready and waiting. The hardware device would now know that the data is valid and can be acted upon. It would typically write the data to a hard disk drive, or send it over a network, or encrypt it, etc

What is the meaning of postfixes of 8086?

It is mightily referring to Microprocessor 8086 . I think you saw "8086 microprocessor". The 8086 is nothing it indicates the number of microprocessor same as Digital or analog ic's . 8086 microprocessor has 20 Address buses and 8 data buses which has 1 Mb inbuilt memory for performing several type of airthmatical and logical operation.

What is microprocesser 8085?

microprocessor 8085 is basic 8 bit microprocessor by Intel Corp. it has 64Kb memory and 16 address buses and 8 data buses it has 40 pin ic. 8 address and 8 data buses are multiplexed with each other for reducing the total number of pins from the microprocessor 8085 . it require 5MHz clock frequency for operation. only a crystal which connected easily across two pins of microprocessor can provide this clock.

What does IRQ stand for?

Abbreviation of interrupt request line, and pronounced I-R-Q. IRQs are hardware lines over which devices can send interrupt signals to the microprocessor. When you add a new device to a PC, you sometimes need to set its IRQ number by setting a DIP switch. This specifies which interrupt line the device may use. IRQ conflicts used to be a common problem when adding expansion boards, but the Plug-and-Play specification has removed this headache in most cases.see:

What number is microprocessor known as?

The microprocessor is also known as a central processing unit, or CPU.

What are the different steps to invoke ROM bios function?

the following steps are required to invoke a rom-bios function 1)make an interrupt to occur 2)find out the number of the interrupt that has occurred. 3)obtain from IVT,the address of the ISR which services this interrupt. 4)push the current values of CPU register onto the STACK

How many address lines are required to access 1MB RAM using microprocessor 8086?

The 8086/8088 microprocessor has a 20 bit address bus, so the number of memory locations it can address is 220 or 1,048,576.

What is interrupt in assembly language?

An interrupt (for example, Intel-based opcode 0xCD) causes the CPU to pause its current execution, store the state of the registers on the stack, then process a defined subroutine. When this subroutine completes, the interrupt finishes, the registers are restored from the stack, and the previous execution state resumes. Interrupts come in two basic flavors: hardware and software. A hardware interrupt occurs when a connected piece of hardware raises an IRQ signal. This mechanism tells the CPU that the hardware has information that needs to be processed. This is more efficient than polling for devices that have relatively few inputs or that have a latency that the CPU shouldn't wait for. Keyboards and mice are often interrupt-driven; the CPU only needs to know when something interesting has happened (a key was pressed or the mouse was moved, for example). Hard drives are also interrupt-driven; this allows the hard drive to locate the requested data and then return that data some CPU cycles later without the CPU having to request the status of the operation repeatedly. In contrast, a software interrupt is usually triggered by software as a means of invoking operating system code in a reliable manner. For example, in MS-DOS, a developer would call INT 0x21 in order to invoke typical DOS commands, such as reading or writing a file, obtaining keyboard input, and other basic operations. Most older operating systems running on Intel-compatible processors use software interrupts to provide a way for the program to access system functions. Newer operating systems use new opcodes that circumvent the need for software interrupts, although most platforms still provide this mechanism for legacy software.