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taga eng ka siguro. sa ece lab? wahahaha <--- oi taga eng ka rin siguro na naghahanp rin ng answer tulad ko? hahahah!!!! galing galing!! galing tlga n

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Q: What is the importance of threshold voltages and how does it work in a circuit?
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What type of circuit does electricity travel when it does work?

Electricity travels in a closed circuit when it does work.

In what type of circuit does electricity travel when it does work?

Electricity travels in a closed circuit when it does work.

How does threshold frequency relate to work function?

Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of light required to eject an electron from a metal surface, while work function is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the metal. The threshold frequency is directly related to the work function by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy required, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the incident light.

Can a home appliance work on 230 volt AC which is designed for 120 volt AC?

No, the voltages are too far apart. Some equipment can work on both voltages but they have a switch on the back of the equipment to change from one voltage to the other.

How do you make an improvised voltmeter?

You need to build a galvanometer first; this is a sensitive current meter. Simple designs involve wrapping loops of wire around a compass. Then select a relatively high resistance and make a series circuit in this order: 1) voltage source 2) resistor 3) galvanometer The small current flowing through the circuit (due to the high resistance) will be noticeable in the deflection of the compass needle. The resistor should be chosen to limit the current in the circuit so that the deflection is noticeably different for different applied voltages. If the resistance is too small, all voltages will cause a full deflection of the compass needle. If the resistance is too large, there will not be any noticeable deflection for your choice of voltages. Higher voltages should cause greater deflections. hope that helps, M

What does the work in an electric circuit?

The work in an electric circuit is done by the flow of electric charge, typically achieved by the movement of electrons through a conductor. Work is done when a voltage is applied to the circuit, causing the electrons to move and transfer energy to the components in the circuit like light bulbs or motors.

What is a complex circuit where some of the bulbs can work while others don't work?

A parallel circuit.

What voltages do industrial electricians work with?

480 volt amperage and up to higher voltage

What is low tension lines?

Having a low voltage, or designed to work at low voltages.

If one outlet on a circuit is not working will the entire circuit not work?


Why does an electric circuit have to be closed for it to work?

yes it does have to be a closed circuit

How is the threshold frequency related to work function?

The threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of light required to eject electrons from a metal surface (photoelectric effect). The work function is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron from the metal surface. The threshold frequency is directly related to the work function through the equation E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency.