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Documentation is critical unless you are the only person who will ever, ever, ever look at a piece of code. And even then, if you go away from it for 6 months you will probably have trouble remembering what you did.

In business, code MUST be commented because the person fixing or enhancing the program is often not the person who wrote it. It can take 4 or 5 times as long to figure out what a program is doing when you only have the computer-language logic available, as opposed to an English-language explanation of the underlying concepts.

It's also critical to keep the documentation up to date and accurate in both facts and spelling. If the code has been changed and the documentation hasn't, that disagreement can mislead anyone who comes along and tries to work on the code later. If you can't spell or use lousy grammar, it can make it a lot harder to perform text searches looking for a particular phrase that's likely to appear in a comment. Try searching for PARAMETER when somebody spelled it PARAMATER, for example (I've had to do just that!!)

The above is an explanation to why documentation is important in one of levels of software documentation - Technical or Code Documentation. There are other levels of documentation including Software Requirements Documentation, Software Architectural/Design Documentaion and End-User Documentation (e.g.: Manuals, Tutorials). Documentation at each of these levels is usually necessary, or at least desired, for most non-trivial software projects. For more information on these levels of documentation and to who and how it may be important, pls see

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Internal documentation gives the programmer a chance to communicate to other programmers thru comments. There are two types of comments header Comments and Step Comments. Header comments appear at the beginning of the program and can tell who the programmer was, what company they work for and what the program is supposed to do. The Step comments can be all thru out the program and explain to others about specific portions of the program.

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You can see what you have done and what you still have to do

The people you are working for know what you have completed and therfore what they have to pay you for doing.

End users of the program especially know what has been done so if it breaks then theyknow what broke and how to fix it

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Q: What is the importance of documentation in programming life cycle?
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Importance of programming in system development?

When business organization facing a keen (鋒利的) competition in the market, rapid change of technology and fast internal demand, system development is necessary. In the system development, a business organization could adopt the systematic method for such development. Most popular system development method is system development life cycle (SDLC) which supports the business priorities of the organization, solves the identified problem, and fits within the existing organizational structure. When business organization facing a keen (鋒利的) competition in the market, rapid change of technology and fast internal demand, system development is necessary. In the system development, a business organization could adopt the systematic method for such development. Most popular system development method is system development life cycle (SDLC) which supports the business priorities of the organization, solves the identified problem, and fits within the existing organizational structure.

Brief description of object oriented life cycle?

object oriented life cycle

How does a project life cycle differ from a product life cycle?

The product life cycle represents the amount of revenue a product generates over time, from its inception to the point where it is discontinued. A project life cycle measures the work that goes into a project from beginning to end. The phases in product life cycle are initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

What is the role of the Business Analyst in the software testing life cycle?

Business analysts are very important in software testing life cycle. They are the ones that understand the client and their requirements.

What are the steps in product life cycle management?

The steps may vary to one life cycle to another.The main steps are requirements specification, designing, coding, testing and maintenance.

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