A database designer in simple terms designs the database layer of the eventual application. Like the initial crew on a home build site the database designer (architect) is responsible for laying the foundation of the project. The architectural structure and integrity of the database is one of the most important key elements to insuring a solid application build. While the application layer can be re-worked easily the database layer can not. Many attempt changing and molding the database to fit a 'floating' or changing requirements vision however this always turns into a mess. Without a proper FOUNDATION (the database in this case) the application will ultimately fail to meet the performance and or functional requirements of the project and often will cause the entire project to fail. In closing; the GOAL of the database architect is to construct a database environment that maintains its data elements reliably, provide a high performance architecture that will scale with the business model, provide a construct in which data integrity is maintained, and employ best practices to insure a stable and secure environment.
1- Because it records the design decisions about tables and their structures… 2-
Communication, A designer's goal is to communicate something to all the pople who will see the design.
three levels of data abstraction are: 1. Physical level : how the data is stored physically and where it is stored in database. 2. Logical level : what information or data is stored in the database (like what is the datatype or what is format of data. 3.View level : end users work on view level. if any amendment is made it can be saved by other name. for the database to be usable it must retrieve data efficently.this efficency led designer to use complex data structure in the database
an inventor is a designer but a designer is not an inventor
Design of the database (Database Design) refers to a given application environment, optimize the structure of the database, the database and applications, which can efficiently store data to meet the application needs of various user information needs and processing requirements). At www. myelibrary.net.In you can clearly understand what is the database design.
A database designer is a person who specifies how a database records are stored, accessed and related to make sure there is adequate performance!
IBM Infosphere Data Architect, CA Erwin, Microsoft Access GUI are examples of physical database designer.
A database or systems designer will do it. They could also have other roles like being an analyst or a database administrator. Whoever is designing a database may work with people in some of those other jobs, particularly when it is a very large system. If it is a small database, then it is easy to design and somebody with a bit of knowledge of databases can design and create one.
A database designer or database administrator.
1- Because it records the design decisions about tables and their structures… 2-
The data dictionary is sometimes called the database designer's database because it stores metadata about a database system's structure, constraints, and definitions. Database designers use this centralized repository to manage information about data elements, relationships, and properties, aiding in the design, development, and maintenance of databases. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding and documenting the database schema for efficient management and usability.
1) End User 2) Database Admin 3) Database Designer 4) System Analysts and Programmers 5) System Administrator *Database Systems 8th Edition
As the name implies, a database designer develops both the logical and physical design of the database. For hierarchical databases, they define the parent-child relationships and in relational tables, the relations between tables. They also often develop validation rules, constraints and the like.
As an interior designer my goal is to improve quality of life, increase productivity, and protecting the health safety and welfare of the public. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology
A high level data model serves the database designer by providing a conceptual framework in which to specify, in a systematic fashion, what the data requirements of the database users are, and how the database will be structured to fulfill these requirements.
well, maybe math, ELA, computer graphics, computer database, etc.
Database tuning is comprised of a group of activities used to optimize and regulate the performance of a database. It refers to configuration of the database files, the database management system (DBMS), as well as the hardware and operating system on which the database is hosted. The goal of database tuning is to maximize the application of system resources in an attempt to execute transactions as efficiently and quickly as possible.