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Just like axial stress, shear stress is force divided by area. The area is the surface the force acts over. For example, imagine two wood blocks that are nailed together. If you apply a force to the top block orthogonal to the longitudinal axis of the nail and the same force in the opposite direction to the bottom block, the shear stress (𝝉) in the nail is 𝝉 = F/A or F/(πr2) where r is the radius of the nail.

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Type your answer here... max shear stress occurs at the neutral axis and this can be found by putting y=0 in the equation 1l

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its force times the area of shear

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Q: What is the formula for shear and stress?
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What is the formula for working stress disign?

shear strength / (force/Area) i think

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the average shear stress is 3/4 the maximum shear stress for a circular section

Define direct shear stress?

Shear force is a load (pounds, or newtons) in plane of the object which produces shear stress ( pounds per sq inch, or Pascals). Shear force is related to shear stress as STRESS = FORCE/AREA

What are shear stresses?

The forces are equal magnitude but opposite directions act tangent the surfaces of opposite ends of the object the shear stress as force "f" acting tangent to the surface,dived by the "area"{a} shear stress=f/a

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Why shear stresses are maximum at neutral axis?

according to bending stress because shear stress at neutral is 0 that is why shear force is maximum

What are the difference kinds stress?

Normal stress and shear stress

Define shear stress?

Shear means a change in shape but not in size. Shear stress is defined as the force per unit area producing a change is shape.

Definition of hooke's law in shear?

Hooke's Law in shear states that the shear stress in a material is directly proportional to the shear strain applied, as long as the material remains within its elastic limit. This relationship is expressed mathematically as τ = Gγ, where τ is the shear stress, G is the shear modulus, and γ is the shear strain.