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formula for determining potential difference

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13y ago

Electrically, V2-V1 (volts) where V2 and V1 are the electrical potentials at different points. Mechanically, mg(y2-y1) where m is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity, y =vertical position.

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Q: What is the formula for potential difference in series circuit?
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Why does the potential difference change in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total potential difference provided by the power source is divided among the components in the circuit. As current flows through each component, there is a voltage drop across each one. This results in a reduction of potential difference as you move along the circuit.

What happens to the potential difference of a bulb that burns out in series circuit?

The whole circuit fails - because the action of the bulb blowing cuts the circuit.

How is a series circuit different to a parell circuit?

The difference between a series and parallel circuit is that a series circuit is connected in such a way that the same current intensity flows through the elements while a parallel circuit is connected in such a way that the same potential appears across their terminals.

What is the formula for finding total difference across the inductor and the capacitor in a series circuit?

refer your text

What is the advantage of a parallel circuit over a series circuit.?

In a parallel circuit, all the external resistors are supplied the same potential difference which is not possible in a series circuit. Also in a parallel circuit, every resistor or component can be individually turned on or off without affecting the rest of the circuit.

What is the difference between series and parralal circuit?

difference between series is one pathway through circuit,difference between parralal is more then one pathway through circuit.

Why pottential difference across different ends of the conductor is different in the series connection?

In a series circuit, the total potential difference provided by the power source is divided among the resistors. Each component experiences a portion of the total voltage drop based on its own resistance, resulting in different potential differences across each component. This is why the potential difference across different ends of the conductor is different in a series connection.

What are basic principle of a series circuit?

The same current passes through all the devices, and the sum of the potential differences across the devices is equal to the terminal potential difference across the power supply.

What is the formula for total current in a series circuit?

Current = (Voltage across the circuit) divided by (Total resistance of the circuit). The current is the same at every point in the series circuit.

How can you measure electric potential and electric current?

Electric potential can be measured using a voltmeter, which measures the voltage difference between two points in a circuit. Electric current can be measured using an ammeter, which measures the flow of electric charge in a circuit. Both instruments are connected in series with the circuit to measure these electrical properties accurately.

What are differences between series and parallel circuits?

In series circuits current will be the same through out the circuit. So whereever we connect the ammeter the same current is registered. But in parallel circuit current will be different in different lines. In parallel circuits the potential difference will be the same but in series pd will be different.

What is the difference between a series circuit and as parallel circuit?

series circuit can only move on one patha parallel circuit has two more paths for the electric carve to follow