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the expression for calculating maximum current through the zener diode is :

Izmax=Pzmax / Vz

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Q: What is the expression for calculating maximum current through the zener diode?
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At what degree does a conductor have to pass through a magnetic field to get maximum induced current?

The induced current is maximum when the axis of the conductor, its velocity, and the magnetic field lines are all mutually perpendicular.

What is Vector meter?

A vector impedance meter is used to measure impedance and phase angle, this is done by calculating voltage and current through an impedance and then calculating Z and phase angle with that, now there are two modes for operation i.e constant current mode and constant voltage mode.CONSTANT CURRENT MODERead more: What_is_vector_impedance_meter_explain_with_circuit_diagram

When a parallel LC circuit is tuned to resonance will the current be at a maximum or a minimum?

Inside the circuit loop between the inductor and capacitor the current will be at maximum. Outside the circuit the current through the LC tank circuit will be at minimum. It depends on where you are measuring it.

What is the maximum current that can flow through a fuse?

A current rating of a fuse is designed to open a circuit at a specific current flow. This rating is imprinted on the fuse and lets you know what the maximum amount of current the fuse is designed to open at. A fuse is in the circuit to protect the conductor that the current flows through. Never over fuse a conductor's current carrying capacity.

What is the current through the 150 ohm resistor?

It depends on the voltage applied across it. But the maximum current is limited by the power-rating of the resistor (power divided by the square of the voltage).

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At what degree does a conductor have to pass through a magnetic field to get maximum induced current?

The induced current is maximum when the axis of the conductor, its velocity, and the magnetic field lines are all mutually perpendicular.

What is Vector meter?

A vector impedance meter is used to measure impedance and phase angle, this is done by calculating voltage and current through an impedance and then calculating Z and phase angle with that, now there are two modes for operation i.e constant current mode and constant voltage mode.CONSTANT CURRENT MODERead more: What_is_vector_impedance_meter_explain_with_circuit_diagram

Why must the instantaneous current wave be exact 90 degree out-of phase with the applied voltage waveform across an ideal inductor?

Because the voltage induced is proportional to the rate of change of current, and the maximum rate of change of current occurs at the point where the current waveform is 'steepest' -i.e. as it passes through zero. So, as the current passes through zero, the corresponding value of induced voltage is maximum, which means the voltage and current waveforms are displaced by a quarter of the wavelength, or 90 degrees.

When a parallel LC circuit is tuned to resonance will the current be at a maximum or a minimum?

Inside the circuit loop between the inductor and capacitor the current will be at maximum. Outside the circuit the current through the LC tank circuit will be at minimum. It depends on where you are measuring it.

What is the maximum current that can flow through a fuse?

A current rating of a fuse is designed to open a circuit at a specific current flow. This rating is imprinted on the fuse and lets you know what the maximum amount of current the fuse is designed to open at. A fuse is in the circuit to protect the conductor that the current flows through. Never over fuse a conductor's current carrying capacity.

Why voltage leads in Inductor?

Maximum induced voltage occurs when the current is changing at its greatest rate -this occurs when the current passes through zero. Since this voltage acts to oppose current flow, this maximum voltage acts in the negative sense when the current is acting in the positive direction. Since the supply voltage is equal, but opposite, the induced voltage, it is maximum when the current is zero -so leads by 90 degrees.

Why use maximum resistance for starting dc shunt motor?

because there is ahigh current flowing through it at the start...

How do you calculated the current shunt?

Write down the Ohm's law expression of "V = I * R" where "V" is the voltage drop across shunt resistor, "I" is the current flowing through shunt and "R" is the shunt resistance.Substitute value of voltage "V" and current "I" in the Ohm's law expression. For example, if voltage across shunt is 10 volts and current flowing through it is 1 ampere, then the expression is 10 = 100 * R.Divide the expression throughout by 100 to calculate the "R" value. Using a calculator, find the value of "R." From the example, the value of "R" will be 0.1 ohm, which is the value of shunt resistor.

What is the current through the 150 ohm resistor?

It depends on the voltage applied across it. But the maximum current is limited by the power-rating of the resistor (power divided by the square of the voltage).

How would the hook up 3 resistors in a circuit to get a maximum current?

In series, R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... The current in a series connection will only have 1 path. The current is the same through each resistor

What value of current in a 1W - 20V zener diode must be limited to a maximum?

ANSWER A reverse biased 20 V zener clamps the voltage across its terminals to 20 V. Since 50 mA x 20 V = 1 W, the current through the diode should be limited to a maximum of 50 mA. In practice, this current maximum would be derated for reliability reasons.

What can damage a diode?

yes,infact every diodes have certain limitations.The maximum value of current that can pass through it will normally be encrypted on it usually at the time of manufacture.