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Q: What is the difference between sewage and effluent?
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What is a sentence with effluent?

The effluent from the sewage plant drained directly into the river.

What are the effluent have high organic content?

Effluent is water containing waste products. It is most commonly used to refer to sewage.

What has the author A Feigin written?

A. Feigin has written: 'Irrigation with treated sewage effluent' -- subject(s): Sewage irrigation

What word is used for water with untreated sewage and chemicals in it?

I believe it is known as effluent

What has the author Marvin T Bond written?

Marvin T. Bond has written: 'Dual media filtration of waste stabilization pond effluent' -- subject(s): Effluent quality, Filtration, Purification, Sewage, Sewage lagoons

What is the difference between affluent and effluent?

affluent - sea water effluent - river water (the flow out of sea) influent - river water (the flow into sea)

Where does the effluent go when it goes down the sewer?

After effluent goes down the drain into a sewer, it goes to a sewage treatment plant. At the treatment plant the water is cleaned and returned to the environment.

What is difference between sewage and a sewer?

Sewage is whats in the sewer. Sewage is human waste, water, and even rainwater which collects via a sewer and then gets transported through pipes underground to sewage plants.

What is the difference between sewage and wastewater?

refuge s solid waste whle sewage is liquid waste

What has the author Ch ing-lin Chang written?

Ch ing-lin Chang has written: 'Effect of carbon adsorption on chlorine requirement of treated effluent' -- subject(s): Purification, Sewage, Sewage disposal plants

What has the author J Donald Johnson written?

J. Donald Johnson has written: 'Ultraviolet disinfection of a secondary effluent' -- subject(s): Sewage, Purification

What is the difference between sewage and drainage difference?

its quite simple really. The sewage system takes all of the SEWAGE away while the drainage is the reason why its there in the first place. like DRAIN PIPE and SEWERS. Glad i could help. Dwyton Greer