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server-side and client-side. In the server-side method, when you click an image leading to multiple links, you are actually invoking a cgi-bin program. The program typically reads a separate map file that tells the program where to go, depending on what part of the image you are clicking. The program returns the destination to the web browser, which then opens the page. The imagemap is called "server-side" because the web browser must contact the remote host to find which site to contact.

Client-side imagemaps, by contrast, do not require a cgi-bin program to function. The imagemap is actually an HTML construct that can be contained on the same page as the clickable image. Rather than requiring the program on the remote host to determine what site to access, the web browser itself associates regions of the image with the appropriate sites. The browser, rather than the remote host, interprets the imagemap.

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12y ago

client side image map using HTML rather than a CGI program or A client-side image map is an image map that is run by the browser rather than a CGI. What happens is you will provide all the information required to run the map in your HTML document. That's why it's called a client-side map. The map's functions are provided on the client's end of things rather than at your server's side. It's not overly hard, but again--it doesn't work on all browsers.

Client-Side image maps allow you to place the map coordinates for your image map right into your html page to be handled by the browser of the person viewing your page.

This side-steps the problem of making an external map file, and processing it on your server. However, it requires that your viewer have a recent version of a popular browser, which can handle client-side image maps.

The syntax is simple. You simply place the map information into a few html markup tags called "map" tags. The map tags contain the map coordinates and URLs to map them to. Then you place the img src tag calling the image map with an extra piece of information.

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9y ago

Server side acts on the server from where the response comes. Client side image mapping is the user side mapping.

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