A constructor is a method that fires when the object is instantiated. A friend function is a function that has special access to the object. They are two different types of things, and cannot be further differenced.
One of the main goals kept in mind while Java was being developed was that they wanted it to be like C++, but without all the features which make the language overly complex and messy. These features include things like (true) multiple inheritance, operator overloading, and friend functions.
A normal function is any function that is not a member of any class. Normal functions that operate upon a class are referred to as non-member functions, however a non-member function can also be a member of another class. Any class may declare any non-member function to be a friend of the class, in which case the function becomes a friend function.A member function is a member of a class and may be declared static or non-static. Non-static member functions have the following 3 properties:Private access to the class members.Scoped to the class.Must be invoked against an object of the class (has a 'this' pointer).Static member functions have the first two properties only while friend functions have the first property only. Non-member functions that are not friends of the class have none of these properties.
The only function of a friend is to extend the private class interface outwith the class, essentially making the friend part of the class interface.
Assignment(=) operator is a special operator that will be provided by the constructor to the class when programmer has not provided(overloaded) as member of the class.(like copy constructor). When programmer is overloading = operator using friend function, two = operations will exists: 1) compiler is providing = operator 2) programmer is providing(overloading) = operator by friend function. Then simply ambiguity will be created and compiler will gives error. Its compilation error.
We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.
A constructor is a method that fires when the object is instantiated. A friend function is a function that has special access to the object. They are two different types of things, and cannot be further differenced.
they both ur homies
girl friend is a friend that is girl and not a best friend and girl friend is best friend
if you are a friend you can look at their profile. if you are a fan... i dont know
a close friend is someone you can talk to, and do things with. A best friend is someone you can tell anything to.
A friend is a family member that you have chosen and a stranger is a friend that you have not met yet.
Friends are friends. But friends have different qualities, you know which friend to turn to at what point.
How they introduce them. Friend: "This is my friend, so and so" Lover: "This is my, um, friend, so and so"
Youll know.
He come back.He become my friend now .
"boys have penises, girls have vaginas" -- The kid from kindergarten cop