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Strain aging could be described as " normal wear and tear " or the fatigue that is experienced under normal conditions, whereas Dynamic strain would be an out of the normal range stress condition like a one time over stress condition where the sum of much strain aging is experienced in one " dynamic" occurrence.

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Q: What is the difference between dynamic strain aging and strain aging?
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What is yield point phenomenon?

If anyone ever tries digging into this phenomena, I'd like to be a little bit of help. Try reading something about the "Dynamic Strain Aging" and "PLC effect". Still if you are lazy and do not prefer it, well, as an unqualified person I'd say it is "...due to the impurities obstructing the dislocations from occuring. These interstitials and etc. just forms non-permanent molecular bonds and keeps the dislocations from moving. When the stress overcomes an impurity site, then it encounters another and this whole thing keeps going like a cycle; and this is the reason of that fluctuation which goes on like till the stress-strain curve reaches its secondary yield point." p.s. wiki was quite much the thing that Ive learned it all from...

How can you perform aging test of cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel sheet used in transformers?


What is the maximum value of a 220 ohm with a 10 percent tolerance?

242 ohms INCLUDES initial tolerance assuming no thermal drift aging etc

Why are digital systems capable of greater accuracy than analog system?

Greater possible accuracyNo driftNo temperature sensitivityReduced noiseNo aging problemsEasier to change if neededHowever where speed of response is critical the analog control system may be preferred over digital.

Is it possible to create genes that function to make the body younger?

There is speculation that the ability to slow aging may occur using the CRISPR/Cas9. But use of this in humans may have ethical issues.Here is more information:

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The book "Aging Identity: A Dialogue with Postmodernism" examines aging from a point of view that aging is not a decline, but a dynamic change. It looks at aging and the attitude towards the elderly in different cultures and the diversity of aging peoples. The book also looks at the challenges and opportunities that come with aging.

What is the difference between aging and aging with regards to spelling?

both have same meaning,the process of growing old , but aging(US,AUS) ageing(UK,INDIA)

How will the aging of America's population strain the government's ability?

The aging population will strain the government's ability by increasing demand for social security, Medicare, and other healthcare services. This will put pressure on government resources as the number of older adults relying on these programs grows, potentially leading to budgetary challenges and the need for policy reforms to address the increased costs.

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A crucial way in which an aging population can strain U.S. society (and a way that is commonly referenced in the news) is through an increased demand for government services, especially health care, but also social security. As a larger percentage of the population reaches 65, they become eligible for Medicare benefits from the federal government. However, as there will be fewer people of working age paying taxes, there will be less tax revenue with which to pay these benefits. This is one "strain" that an aging population places on society.

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Bourbon is at least 51% corn based, with aging in the oak barrels of at least 24 months.

What is the difference between aging and old age?

Aging is the process of growing older and experiencing biological changes over time, while old age specifically refers to the later stages of life when individuals are typically considered elderly. Aging is a gradual process that occurs throughout life, while old age is a stage of life that is typically characterized by a decline in physical and cognitive abilities.

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ten or more years of development depending on your version of Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a modern Linux distribution while windows 95 is an aging and unsupported parent of the current windows environment.

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A declining population size can lead to labor shortages, reduced economic growth, increased healthcare costs for an aging population, and a strain on social welfare systems. It can also result in a smaller consumer base, which may impact businesses and overall productivity in a country.

What is the correct spelling of the word aging or aging?


Is aging an adjective?

"Aging" can either be an adjective (as in, "an aging person") or a gerund (as in, "The person was aging rapidly").