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Short answer: They're the same.

Due to technical limitations, we on WikiAnswers cannot write C++ in the question field. So we must write "C plus plus." Unfortunately, we're also lazy. So we write "cpp" as an abbreviation.

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I'm assuming by object code you are referring to object oriented programming (OOP).

C++ is a programming language, which is a way of describing what you want to happen in a program in 'code', which a compiler will convert into complicated and intrinsic instructions that the CPU inside your computer can run through millions of times a second. Other languages have a different structure of writing things, but they all boil down to converted instructions running through the CPU.

OOP is a style or practise of programming were instead of writing what you want the CPU to do in big lists, you group those lists and the data associated with them into 'objects'. This is a way of splitting up gigantic amounts of code in a way programmers can better interpret and understand. There is a lot more to OOP, but that is the very essence.

C++ as a language, supports this style of dividing code (which its predecessor C did not), meaning that you can right OOP code in C++, however it is not nearly the only programming language to do so.

Hope this explained this for you!

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