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Q: What is the difference between a hand hole and a pull box?
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What is it like to travel into a black hole?

You will get pulled apart before reaching the singularity - as a result of the difference in gravitational pull between your head and your feet.

What is the difference between backhand welding and forehand welding?

back hand welding is when you pull the welding rod or whatever it is that you are using and forehand is when you push it ahead

What is the difference between pull ups and training pants?

Pull ups are awesome and stuff

What affects the pull of the black hole?

The same as what affects the pull of other objects. The gravitational force between two objects depends on the mass of both objects, and on the distance between them.

What is the difference between direct reining and neck reining?

Neck reining is when you hold the reins with one hand and you pull the reins on the side of the neck you want to go. Direct reining is when you pull the rein of the side you want to go. You actually pull the horses head in the direction you want to go.

What is the difference between pull up and pop up?

Pull-up user selects, pop-up is automatic.

What is the difference between a chin-up and a pull-up?

The hand grip and muscles used is what differentiates these two exercises.A chin-up is performed with your palms facing TOWARDSyou. This mostly works your Bicep muscles.A pull-up is performed with your palms facing AWAY from you. This mostly works your shoulder and upper back muscles.So on the whole, Pull-ups are harder to do than chin-ups

What is the difference between push mail and pull mail?

push mail is pushed out from the exchange server. pull is pulled from your device

What is the difference between plow rein and neck rein?

When you plow rein you use both hands, when you pull right your horse turns right, and when you pull left your horse turns left, and when neck reining you use one hand (doesn't matter which) and with with your one hand if you pull to the right he will also go to the right but it will be your left rein that is turning him since it is making contact with his "neck" instead of his mouth

Do they have to pull out your teeth if you have a hole in your teeth?

if it is a big hole yes but if it is a small hole they will fill it in

What is the difference between hook and pull in cricket?

a Hook shot is higher than than a pull a hook is to loft the ball and a pull is to just pull the ball away for four hence the name pull.

What is the difference between a black hole's photon sphere and its event horizon?

A black hole's photon sphere is the region around the black hole where photons can orbit in a stable circular path. The event horizon is the boundary beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape the gravitational pull of the black hole. In simpler terms, the photon sphere is where light can circle the black hole before falling in, while the event horizon marks the point of no return.