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(or "paragraph" tag) is used to denote the beginning and ending of a paragraph in text. The
(or "breaking-space" tag) is use to create a newline withoutending a paragraph.

So, the paragraph tag is used exactly as you'd expect. The
tag is used in situation like a street address--when one line is separated by a newline from the other, but isn't actually part of a new paragraph.

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The "br" tag inserts a single line break into the web document. The "p" tag defines a paragraph, but the paragraph is typically automatically given space before and after by the browser.

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What are two-sided tags?

A two-sided tag is one that has an opening tag and a closing tag, such as <a> and </a>. This is in contrast to other tags, like <br> and <img>, which do not need closing tags.

Difference between container tag and standalone tag?

A container tag has two ends (an opening and a closing) whereas an empty tag doesn't. The paragraph tag is an example of a container tag: <p>Our paragraph text here.</p> The image tag is a good example of an empty tag. <img src="logo.png" alt="Yay!"> See how the initial paragraph tag (<p>) has a corresponding end tag? The text in between is "contained" by the tag.

What is the difference between p tag and h4 tag?

Tags define elements. The P tag introduces a paragraph. The H4 tag introduces a fourth-level heading. A P element does not require a closing tag in HTML, but does in XHTML.

How do you override css?

If you are using an External style sheet, CSS can be changed by embedding CSS code into the HEAD tag after the link to the external CSS file.Embedded CSS must be contained within a STYLE tag.EXAMPLE:

What are 'on' and 'off' tags in HTML documents?

In HTML, all tags are elements and all HTML elements other than empty elements and <p> elements require a start and end tag to delimit the element's content. The <br> tag is an example of an empty element (there is no </br> tag). However, an empty element can also be closed by the start tag, such that <br /> is acceptable (<br /> is a requirement of XHTML but not HTML).

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What is a style tag?

A style tag can be used in a page to define an internal style sheet. You usually put it in the head area and define styles you want to be used in the page. So you start with the style tag, put all your style definitions between it and the closing style tag. The below code creates styles for the p and h1 tags.p {color:gold; font-size:14pt;}h1 (color:red}

What are two-sided tags?

A two-sided tag is one that has an opening tag and a closing tag, such as <a> and </a>. This is in contrast to other tags, like <br> and <img>, which do not need closing tags.

Difference between container tag and standalone tag?

A container tag has two ends (an opening and a closing) whereas an empty tag doesn't. The paragraph tag is an example of a container tag: <p>Our paragraph text here.</p> The image tag is a good example of an empty tag. <img src="logo.png" alt="Yay!"> See how the initial paragraph tag (<p>) has a corresponding end tag? The text in between is "contained" by the tag.

What is the difference between p tag and h4 tag?

Tags define elements. The P tag introduces a paragraph. The H4 tag introduces a fourth-level heading. A P element does not require a closing tag in HTML, but does in XHTML.

What is the Html tag for break?

A Line Break Is <br> A Paragraph Break Is <p> or some browsers accept <br /> Hope that helps!!!

What is the HTML code to create a space?

Use: <P> new paragraph</p> or <br>Line break (no closing tag required)

How do you override css?

If you are using an External style sheet, CSS can be changed by embedding CSS code into the HEAD tag after the link to the external CSS file.Embedded CSS must be contained within a STYLE tag.EXAMPLE:

Which has a more polar bond P-Cl or P-Br?

The P-Cl bond is more polar than the P-Br bond. This is because chlorine (Cl) is more electronegative than bromine (Br), so it attracts the shared electrons in the bond more strongly, leading to a greater difference in electronegativity and thus a more polar bond in P-Cl compared to P-Br.

What are 'on' and 'off' tags in HTML documents?

In HTML, all tags are elements and all HTML elements other than empty elements and <p> elements require a start and end tag to delimit the element's content. The <br> tag is an example of an empty element (there is no </br> tag). However, an empty element can also be closed by the start tag, such that <br /> is acceptable (<br /> is a requirement of XHTML but not HTML).

The p tag is generally equivalent to how many br tags?

Generally two! P stands for paragraph so it automatically gives you a line break.

What is a tag used for providing space betwwn two lines in HTML?

you can either use an empty paragraph (<p></p>) or a line break <br />

What is the code for inserting a line break?

Line breaks are inserted using the empty BR entity: <br /> You can enclose a paragraph inside a P entity: <p>This is a paragraph</p> Check the site for HTML how to's.